Sulman Baig

March 6, 2022

Rambox, Easyart@themeforest, and


Today I was looking to have an alternative to bookmarking + workspaces in chrome. First I thought of Franz but their pricing was quite steep for just an alternative to chrome for messaging and important websites to open in one window based on the work I am doing at the moment.

I googled and found alternativeto website. I found Rambox which has pricing quite low as compared to franz with a lot of extra options including workspaces, custom websites, my favorite extensions including 1Password, unlock, and Grammarly. Also, the free version doesn't include the extensions but we can use messages and custom websites as much as we can, no more dependence on only using a limited number of services to be used in franz.

So I started using it for the rest of my day and I loved it. I have 29 days of trial for the paid version is remaining but I think I will buy the full version.


Easyart - Ghost Theme

For a long time, I have been looking for a good Ghost theme for my original blog website with main my love functionality of a dark theme. I love dark websites and themes for my computers, mobiles, etc. The problem was most themes are normally more than $50 in different stores and official stores.

Then I came across Easyart theme over ThemeForest that is only $16 and lightweight with a good dark theme to be used for my technical blog. I bought that and working on settings for like an hour voila! I have a new design for my technical blog with a dark theme.


Newline Co

I have been meaning to learn typescript, react, and react-native. Even though I am experienced in VueJS, most of the web apps are of reactjs even my company uses it. The problem is I mostly love books that the videos, as videos tend to get boring soon. On the other hand, while reading books, I can listen to music to not get bored. But the problem is most books are old according to the version of framework, or expensive(around $40 each).

I came to know that Newline Co is offering a monthly package of $20 with access to all the books it has. I thought it was a nice deal. And off I go. Now I am learning typescript and soon then reactjs.