Chris Hollander

April 15, 2021

Cover Art, now in Email?

Hey just introduced Cover Art, which let's you... literally cover your inbox with a picture. I'm trying it out. It... works? like, technically, it works. I now see a nice piece of macro photography which I've taken, covering up my 'Previously Seen' emails. This feels like someone lost a bet, or someone listened to someone else on a pod...
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March 4, 2021

Hey, world.

“Apparently, Hey isn't just a really nice email client, it's also a blogging platform. Thats... interesting... because: 1. I pay for Hey. So, that means that Hey isn't likely to try to monetize my posts, or hide them behind a medium sized pay wall. 2. I kinda like Hey, both in the browser and in the native(ish?) iPhone app. So, I can e...
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