Portico Darwin: Goes to The Dogs and the Best Steakhouse in Manhattan
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What? You think it's all just Christmas good cheer? Or worse, only eating and drinking?
No - these three weeks have included their share of cultural diversions, including this, which I can only say was one bitch of a place. Yes, this is my review of The American Kennel Club's Museum of The Dog. Here it is: small, but Killer.
The museum, located at 40th Street & Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, is a lovely 2+ story temple to all things pooch. We really enjoyed it, and it's a great way to sink an hour or so before heading to . . . well, you'll have to keep reading.
If you visit, you'll enjoy some great doggie art, see the best doggie library there is, and then there's the important part: learning about my favorite doggie breed. Although get there soon, because it was part of a special exhibit called Fashionable Dogs, which was good, and also a great name for a band. But I digress (although that photo was taken on December 31, 2002, and Arthur did soon get a dog) and I am not clear on how one could visit NYC and not see this, the museum's m-f'ing exhaustive collection of movie poster art from the cinematic triumphs of a variety of canine stars. And lest one think the AKC's museum is lagging technology-wise, I can disprove that with evidence. Although I was initially concerned about the AI engine used to pair my photo and appearance with a matching breed . . . . . . and then I got really concerned. I can handle affectionate and sprightly, but tomboyish? I wish I were even that tough.
10 Seconds of Seriousness: the AKC's Museum of The Dog is a fun place, and it's walking distance to what many would consider the best steakhouse in Manhattan and certainly one of the most Textbook restaurants of any ilk. Keens Steakhouse is special. And Diamond Certified, of course. This was our second visit in as many years, and I can't imagine not going to Keens on every visit to New York City.
And I might just stop in at The Museum of The Dog before, again.
We appreciated all of the very kind Christmas messages. They were a nice contrast to the trash-talking that took place between my close friends and yours truly, via the modern telegraph.
Thank you for reading this newsletter.
It's the first time it's been played on KLUF, and it is perfect for today on any number of levels.
Here is Nazareth and Hair of The Dog. Oh, that's so aggro for a holiday week.
I visited a cool photography museum yesterday, and they happened to also have a Killer exhibit that featured dogs, called The Best in Show.