Joshua Bradley

March 9, 2021

Raya: The Bold and the Beautiful

“The world is broken Raya seeks magic to heal Broken gem and heart” ⭐⭐⭐1/2 Raya and the Last Dragon mostly delivers as one of Disney's most ambitious and daring animated films. The most obvious achievement is every frame of stunning animation and bold direction. The crew dips into Pixar-level territory with rich environments and layers...
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March 6, 2021

Upstate, by Ben Tanzer

Ben Tanzer's collection of short stories, Upstate, starts like a John Cougar Mellencamp album — familiar places and folks living lives like people you may know or imagine knowing. As the good and not-so-good people of Two Rivers stories entwine, there is a growing undercurrent of the unraveling to come. What I love about Tanzer's stori...
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March 5, 2021


He posted, having no alternative, on the nothing new. Joshua jumped in, as though he were free, from a mew in Santa Cruz.
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