Pierre-Olivier Carles

March 5, 2021

Sharing some of my experience

If you speak French, I have been invited to The Crazytivity Podcast to share part of my journey as an entrepreneur.

If you plan to move from France to the United States, and build your company here, there are probably a few of my mistakes you want to hear about so you can avoid these and make new ones 😁

(12) The Crazytivity Podcast - YouTube 🔊 2021-03-05 09-55-40.png

The video is here and again, it's in French.

I hope you will enjoy it!

About Pierre-Olivier Carles

De mon parcours fait d’entreprises, d’investissements, de succès et d’erreurs, je tire des pensées personnelles que je partage ici, en français maintenant. Documenter ce voyage peut en inspirer d’autres, mais, à vrai dire, c’est d’abord à moi que cela apporte quelque chose.