
Pinned post from May 31, 2024

Bleep’s Public TestFlight

The app is coming together nicely. Definitely rough around the edges, but it gets better from here on out. Get it👇 Bleep for iPhone Bleep for Mac If you have it installed in both iPhone and Mac, it should sync your data between devices (and backup on your private iCloud). If that's not the case, or if you have any other feedback or ide...
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July 22, 2024

Personal projects can take YEARS to really start to feel “legit"

The guy from just posted an update showing how he just reached 1.0 even though from my perspective he was already launched. Obviously he’s already gained traction and is validated the concept, probably not long after he started building it (web builders are such an accessible space). Bleep so far has been a bit stagnant on the...
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May 22, 2024

Goodbye, old site!

Today I launched my new website over at I worked on it for about a week at the end of last year when I was considering freelancing again (decided against it.) I am no longer looking for side projects but I do want to continue to build over a public space to express myself in whatever form I want, so I decided to tweak some ...
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May 22, 2024

Working on something new with my friend Nik

Feels good to design in a while. More details to come 🚀
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