Wrote this yesterday :: https://world.hey.com/smitty/day-423-we-are-not-a-family-55838a11
Then read this on DF today :: https://daringfireball.net/linked/2021/06/04/apple-remote-work
Then read this on DF today :: https://daringfireball.net/linked/2021/06/04/apple-remote-work
Given that these letters keep leaking to Zoe Schiffer at The Verge, I can’t help but think that the problem for Apple is that they’ve grown so large that they’ve wound up hiring a lot of people who aren’t a good fit for Apple, and that it was a mistake for Apple to ever hook up a company-wide Slack. Companies are not democracies, but the employees writing these letters sure seem to think Apple is one. It’s not, and if it were, the company would sink in a snap. Apple’s new “three days on site” policy wasn’t a request for comments — it was a decision.
Get the popcorn - will be interesting to not only watch Apple but all the big companies bringing people back to the office. Three days sounds like a good deal to me. I think maybe even better is say two days for a few months and evolve into three days but I hope companies don't ask for more three days. I think I can handle three days.
I used to desperately want to get back to the office but then I got used to be being at home - especially if the kids are at school. I work around my work schedule, spend more time with my wife/kids, cook more, exercise more and have learned to be productive. My day is longer but I integrate lots of stuff into work - seems to be okay.
One habit I have now is take a walk during long meetings - I really abuse my AirPods.
Going to the office will mean more commute time, less time with family and maybe even less work but I do need to get back to meeting customers & co-workers but that doesn't mean more office time is needed.
Let's see how it goes but the Apple proclamation seems reasonable.
hoping June 14th is good news time in Singapore!