Josh Pitzalis

April 28, 2021

4 weeks on user retention

Over the last 28 days, I wrote and shared everything I know about retaining users in software products.

Here are all 28 posts, re-organised into useful themes.

Shaping your core value proposition

Measuring retention



Running product experiments

The posts have been numbered if you’d like to read them chronologically. Looking back on them now the sequence above would be a better path. 

I'll refine these pieces and republish them on my main site. If you’d like a more polished version of the above you can subscribe here 👉

This was not my first writing sprint:

This sprint was interesting because I attempted to limit every post to 300 words. I clearly started slipping towards the end. Short-form writing is new territory for me and I enjoyed it because getting started each day was a much smaller hurdle than I'm used to. I was also pleased to get lots more feedback than I anticipated from sharing every day. Thank you.

Not sure how to treat my Hey blog moving forwards. I won’t continue writing every day but I liked using this space as a sandbox for thoughts in progress. I may continue to flesh things out here in the future. Let’s see.

Thank you for going on this little adventure with me and, as always, if you have questions or want to let me know what you think, replies go straight to my inbox.

About Josh Pitzalis

Prompt Engineering & Evaluations