Niza Toshpulatov

Hi! I'm Niza, a web developer, productivity enthusiast, and a tech nerd. I love tinkering with software and in my free time, I like to compose music and write silly poems. Check out my website if you want to learn more about my work.
May 1, 2024

Lo-cal - A Simple Calendar App That Stores Everything Locally

Recently, I decided to add a "Projects" page to my website where I would showcase some of my works outside of my professional career, i.e. side projects and open-source stuff. While I already do have some interesting repositories on my GitHub, I realized that I don’t have many “visual” projects. I needed something that would just pop a...
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April 22, 2024

Delete All Buffers Except The Current One In NeoVim

Currently, I'm using NeoVim as my primary code editor. Best part of the editor is its endless extensibility. You're encouraged to make it Your editor, tailor it to your specific needs and preferences. NeoVim has an excellent API for achieving virtually any kind of feature you could think of. Recently, I was having trouble keeping track...
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April 13, 2024

Niza on Rails

I’ve been doing web development for over 4 years now. Most of it has been using JavaScript-based technologies such as Node.js and React. Professionally, these two dominate the landscape. But my favorite JS technology at the moment is Deno. I’ve used it at work on some internal tools and even built a couple of libraries for it. I love h...
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January 28, 2024

Hamburger Menu With text-decoration

Kevin Powell is one of my favorite YouTubers out there. Thanks to him, I've truly fallen in love with the vanilla CSS and have developed a strong preference to do things CSS-first as much as possible and turn towards JavaScript as the last resort. If you aren't familiar with his channel, you're missing out! Recently, I watched his vide...
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October 15, 2023

Easing Pains Of Working With Web Components (Custom Elements)

So I do web development. Lots of it. Most of it is React and Node.js as you might expect. But when it comes to my personal website, I always do it vanilla. No libraries, no frameworks, no nothing. Just the good old HTML/CSS/JS stack. It's like a fun challenge I give myself every year or so. Try to build a scalable good looking website ...
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October 14, 2023

The First Step

I never had a blog, so this will be one of those awkward first messages to break the silence. Forgive any inconsistencies in the tone and lack of direction. I'm Niza. My current occupation mostly involves web development but I'm gradually trying to shift towards product design. I intend to post about anything that grabs my interest. So...
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