Petros Amoiridis

Programmer. Check
July 7, 2024

My dad’s last days

This is on the personal side of posts. I am approaching the age of 50. That’s in a few days. I am conscious on this planet for almost half a century now. As I was taking care of a few chores the other day, my mind wondered, and my brain was asked: If you were to die right now, would you have any regrets? Somewhat in surprise, I felt I ...
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December 15, 2023

Making games and apps, little stars ✨

This is what I have always wanted to be. A creator. I am not a creator of tangible things. I like writing software. One can say software is tangible through the appliance it runs on. Yes, you could say that. In any case, that's who I want to be. Here's my new tagline: “Making games and apps, little stars ✨” The phrase little stars come...
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January 16, 2023

Be a proactive communicator about your work

I shared the following on LinkedIn: “When I complete a task, it’s not complete unless I send out a report about it. I found that a great communication technique in fully remote environments over the years.” and I got a question: “A report? You mean documentation or something simpler like a history? Can you elaborate?” Here's an example...
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November 5, 2022

Rust Hello World

I love Elixir. I think I know why. And I am also attracted to Rust. I am not sure why. I guess it's time to learn. I started the Rust track on Exercism. Here's the first exercise: I am using the Zed editor. A lightning-fast, collaborative code editor written in Rust. Zed is being developed by...
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July 11, 2022

One-on-one (O3) cadence in remote companies

In a fully remote company setting, there's the question of whether you leave the cadence of your one-on-ones (O3s) open for every team member to choose. Should it be weekly, biweekly, monthly, or Zeus-forbid longer than that? I have been struggling with that question myself for a long time. I know most managerial advice is to let the c...
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June 8, 2022

Revert, revert, revert

We often find ourselves in a situation where we need to revert a deployment. It often just means reverting a merged PR on GitHub. When that happens, I hear "Revert, revert, revert..." constantly in my mind. I hear it in the voice of a Dalek from Dr. Who, repeating "Exterminate".
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June 8, 2022

Video and photo filters on social media

There's a campaign from Dove lately in Greece on how photo or video filters in social media influence people. I read that 80% of girls between the age of 10-17, would change their image using filters to look like their favorite influencers. I don't have a reference of the research I am afraid. And the campaign continues urging influenc...
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June 7, 2022

Product paper cuts

There’s an expression: “Death by a thousand paper cuts.” One definition I have found refers to a slow, painful, demise caused by the cumulative damage of one too many seemingly minuscule problems. Likewise, your product may not have a massive bug or a huge drawback. But it may have a thousand small little tiny issues. Like when you add...
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June 7, 2022

When a movie ends

I often want to know what happened after that point. Did she live a happy life? Did she open her wings? Was she as strong as the ending narrative promised? Did she make the bumblebee striped stockings famous? What happened in Paris?
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March 5, 2021

Why I like Ruby

Ruby feels like a human. Ruby is readable. Ruby is Delphi. Ruby is Pascal. Ruby is AMOS Basic. Ruby is the Amiga. Ruby is beautiful. Ruby is simple. Ruby is Ruby.
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