Greg Dikmans

April 20, 2022

Baroque Flute & Harpsichord Concert - Melbourne – Friday 22 April at 6pm

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, A quick reminder that my concert with David Macfarlane is this Friday 22 April at 6:00pm. We are playing in the wonderful acoustic of the Primrose Potter Salon at the Melbourne Recital Centre. We will be performing works by François Couperin, Georg Phillip Telemann and Johann Sebastian Bach. These works a...
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March 30, 2022

Concerts in April 2022

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, I have two performances coming up in Melbourne in April. The first is FREE and no booking required. ---------- The St John Passion by J.S. Bach Good Friday (15 April) at 7:30pm Scots’ Church Choir directed by Douglas Lawrence and the Melbourne Baroque Ensemble. Venue: THE SCOTS’ CHURCH – Cnr Collins and R...
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December 5, 2021

18th-Century Musicians Saw Themselves as Craftworkers

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, This post explores the differences in the way people thought about music (and the arts) in the 18th century compared to the 19th and later centuries. Neither way is better or more correct than the other, but a deeper appreciation of 18th-century music can come with an understanding of the motivations and ...
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November 18, 2021

Telemann’s Fantasias for Flute

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, As announced in an earlier post about my recording plans, I will be recording the 12 Fantasias for Flute without bass by Georg Philipp Telemann. Telemann played the flute (among several other instruments), which explains his understanding of the capabilities of the instrument and his ability to write so i...
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October 30, 2021

What is Historically Enlightened Performance?

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, Historically Enlightened Performance (HEP) is a term I recently coined to describe what I’ve been working towards for the last 40 years or so. The lockdowns have given me a lot of time for reflection. 😀 When I started out as a performer I played Early Music: music from the Middle Ages to the 18th century....
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October 23, 2021

Recording Plans – 2021

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, In late 2019 we released our recording of Quantz Flute Concertos. It was very well received. I was so pleased with the result that I planned to record a follow up CD in Oct/Nov 2020 of concertos by the three greatest flute players in the 18th century: Michel Blavet, Pierre-Gabriel Buffardin and Johann Joa...
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October 5, 2021

Elysium Ensemble Blog for Music Lovers

Dear Friends and Music Lovers, It’s been a while, mainly because there hasn’t been much to report. I haven't done much playing lately, but I have done a lot of thinking, writing and planning. I want to share some of this with you and hopefully I’ll soon also be able to let you know about recordings and concerts. If I’ve learned anythin...
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