Luis Guillermo Natera Orozco

December 29, 2022

2022 update and news

👋 Hello everyone! Long time since I posted here last time. To be precise since the beginning of the year, January 14th. The year has been good, very good. It was full of learning, travels, growth. It was a year for settling up in Amsterdam, and now we call it home. Non only because we are living here, but also because we had got to mee...
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January 14, 2022

Ph.D. Acknowledgements

Last November I defended my Ph.D. in Network Science. Even though I am the one awarded the degree, the process was influenced and supported by a multitud of people that set me up, encouraged me, and were present before and during the process of the studies, writing and defending the dissertation. The dissertation was about using Networ...
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January 4, 2022

Fwd: 2021 in review

👋 Hello world! It has been a long time since the last time I wrote something here. Looking back at the end of the year seems like a good excuse to get back to writing. So here we are. 2021 was a good year overall, it had its ups and downs, but in the end, the positives outweigh the negatives of the year. Let's see how the year went. 🥾 ...
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May 6, 2021

🗓 April 2021 [Month in review]

Another month living in lockdown. Not really. Finally, Hungary is starting to open, thank you vaccines! 💉 Here is a status of how the month went down. ✒ Writing • April saw a good improvement to the thesis. I got nice comments from my advisor and during last month I worked to implement them. Also, I did a first draft of the introductio...
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April 19, 2021

Maps and literature

Del rigor en la ciencia (On rigor in science) is a short story written by Jorge Luis Borges in 1946. It imagines an empire in which cartography is so exact that the map of the empire has to be on the same scale as the empire itself. The story build on a concept in Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno Concluded: a fictional map that hat the...
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April 15, 2021

A highway underground

Last week, The Boring Company gave a sneak peek of the Las Vegas Loop. It is a tunnel, a fancy tunnel. It can be re-branded in a very Silicon Valley-ish term, but at the end is a tunnel for Teslas. The concept behind the loop, according to The Boring Company: “Loop is an all-electric, zero-emissions, high-speed underground public trans...
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April 7, 2021

What a year, huh?

My dad and I have a running joke that the year ends at Easter. After that, it is like getting first into a vacation mood 🏝 with good weather and summer around the corner. Then comes autumn, with a bunch of bank holidays (at least in Mexico: Columbus, Independence, and Revolution day) that makes weeks short. Finally, December is a month...
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March 31, 2021

🗓 March 2021 [Month in review]

Another month living in lockdown 😔 March is gone. This is a small review of the month, things I did, status updates on projects, interesting readings, and so on. ✒ Writing • During this last month, I continue writing the thesis. Its current status is a draft (v0.3ish). It includes most of the chapters, they are original papers 📄 that h...
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March 30, 2021

The joy of working in an open community

During the last month or so, I've been struggling/stuck solving data processing scripts. Fortunately, working in geospatial sciences and with an open technology stack, the community is always there to help. In short, the process I was following was: “1.- Read the data. 2.- Process it with GeoPandas. 3.- Split the data to append it to t...
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March 12, 2021

Some thoughts on interdisciplinary

Lately, I have been thinking about interdisciplinary. During my academic and professional life, I have been working between borders of disciplines. I have moved through architecture, public policy, sociocultural studies, and recently network science (with application to urban studies). This path, at its best, is very entertaining, but ...
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March 11, 2021

One year working from home 🏡

It's been one year since I started working from home permanently. Thank you COVID-19 🦠 Here is a recollection of this 'unusual' year: • We canceled travel plans to go to Mexico... three times 🤦♂ Last time we went was in summer 2019. Let's hope we can travel this year. We are missing family, friends, and food (especially proper tacos 🌮)...
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March 9, 2021

Hello World!

def hello(name): return f'hello {name}!' hello('world') My personal relation with blogging started around 2007. It was my go-to for publishing random thoughts, talking about what I was doing, and so on. It was a place to post something similar to a longer tweet in the days when Twitter wasn't around yet. During that time, I also got in...
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