Michael Schechter

Hi there! I’m Michael Schechter, a third-generation, lifelong jeweler. I’ve spent most of my life and career at the crossroads of fine jewelry and emerging technology. Subscribe to receive weekly advice for jewelers struggling with new possibilities online and in store.
February 27, 2025

What If: Tiffany Sold Lab Grown Diamonds?

Graphic created by OpenArt AI “What if” is a new series that looks at unlikely, but plausible possibilities in the jewelry industry. When thinking about Lab Grown Diamonds, we tend to hyperfocus on the bottom of the market. We’ve become so obsessed with inherent cost that we miss broader opportunities. One of the best ways to revisit t...
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February 7, 2025

How Blue Nile Differs from Lab Grown Jewelry

Image via Blue Nile Rob Bates, the News Director at JCK, has written two exceptional articles detailing how the current impact of Lab Grown Diamonds reminds him of the shifts driven by Blue Nile in the early days of ecommerce. While there’s a lot to learn from the similarities, it’s equally important to consider the differences. Majori...
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March 13, 2024

$1000 A Carat

Via Seth Godin A new favorite pastime has been speaking with fine jewelry retailers who are either reluctant or refusing to sell lab grown diamonds, especially for engagement, studs and pendants. Despite several obvious concerns (dropping price of lab grown, impact on natural sales, reduced average selling price), lab grown is an oppor...
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August 3, 2023

Selective: The Omni-Channel Brand That Never Was

As we were considering what to do with the technology behind Gemvara, I was also at a personal crossroads and trying to decide what I wanted to do next. It was clear Gemvara was going to end. Emotional as that was, it was also liberating. We started making progress on a proof of concept that we built on the same platform as Gemvara. On...
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July 26, 2023

The Challenge With Omni-Channel and Fine Jewelry

Image via SEMRush When it comes to digital success and fine jewelry, channel conflict continues to drive a disproportionate amount of industry debate as we fight over shares of online sales that simply haven’t arrived. For three decades we’ve all been so focused on how to split online revenue we’ve ignored what it takes to actually dri...
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July 19, 2023

What We Wanted To Do With Gemvara

The final year of Gemvara was probably not spent how you’d expect. Rather than aggressively looking for a viable way forward for the brand, we focused on the best possible use for the technology. We considered doubling down on engineering efforts that would make the brand easier to market, but as digital advertising and customer acquis...
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July 12, 2023

What I Learned From Gemvara

Easy as it is to get lost in what could have gone better, I learned invaluable lessons at Gemvara that continue to shape the way I see our industry. Gemvara introduced me to a business that looked nothing like the 16 years of professional experience that came before it. It challenged the way I believed our industry works and has change...
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July 6, 2023

What Happened to Gemvara?

Over the next few posts I want to share a little about my experiences with Gemvara. Why it shut down, what I learned from it, and what I had hoped would happen. In theory, Gemvara is a no-brainer. There’s no inventory (aside from returns) as everything is rendered, priced, sourced and crafted on the fly. Customers are given an unimagin...
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June 27, 2023

The Path vs. The Answer

Image by The Pepper Creative After the last day of JCK, I found myself having a (very) late night conversation with a few trusted co-workers and colleagues. We were talking about show follow up, particularly for one big opportunity, and I was asked about next steps. Now I’m not going to lie, it had been a very long week and more than a...
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June 20, 2023

Behind BOSS: How We Are Launching BOSS Connect

One of the greatest joys (and occasional frustrations) of software is that it’s constantly evolving. At a minimum, technical teams ensure that current offerings continue to work as other technologies evolve. At maximum, teams of dedicated engineers, developers, and designers work to bring new ideas to life. When working on something ne...
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June 7, 2023

What Jewelers Can Learn From Nintendo

What independent jewelers can learn from one of the most successful video game and entertainment companies of all time. I know what you’re thinking right now… “what could a video game company, especially one that prominently features a plumber who is endlessly trying to rescue a princess from a dinosaur-like-turtle, possibly have to do...
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June 3, 2023

Introducing Behind BOSS (and BOSS Logics Connect)

Note: This post is a little heavy on self-promotion, but it would mean a lot if you gave it a read and let me know your thoughts. One of the great joys from my time at Gemvara was working with software engineers to conceptualize and create new possibilities to improve a customer’s jewelry buying experience. Engineers love to solve prob...
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May 24, 2023

What Freshwater Can Teach Us About Lab Grown

As lab grown diamonds continue to grow in popularity, I can’t help but think back to the emergence of freshwater pearls. I was fortunate to have a front-row seat as our family business, Honora, helped introduce a new pearl offering in a category that hadn’t evolved much over the previous 100 years. Freshwater introduced a high-quality ...
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May 17, 2023

Start Smaller

Few things hang over the head of your team and your business preparing to redo a massive legacy system like an ERP, POS, or website. It’s all too common that these projects get put off because of meaningful cost, overwhelming scope, and the desire to avoid risk. This is especially true in smaller and mid-size jewelry businesses where t...
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May 3, 2023

Why I Chose BOSS Logics

Note: Apologies for a more personal than usual post; things will be back to our regularly scheduled programming next week. I’m excited to share that I’ve joined the team at BOSS Logics as the Director of Business Development. When I started thinking about what was next, I knew I wanted to find a company that could help jewelers take be...
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April 26, 2023

Digitally Neutral

As digital grows out of “emerging” and into “everyday,” it’s essential to take a step back and reassess the role it plays in our businesses. For many, e-commerce, social media, and email marketing have been framed as something you must do. There’s some truth to this, but all too often, this leads to failed attempts to do it all. Every ...
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April 19, 2023

Look Back Before Going Forward

Every two weeks without fail, the development team at Gemvara would share their progress in a company-wide meeting. They’d walk us through their work from the previous two weeks and then update everyone on what would be coming next. Immediately following these meetings the engineers would lock themselves in a conference room and take a...
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April 14, 2023

Welcome to Brilliant Rough

Hi there! I’m Michael Schechter, a third-generation, lifelong jeweler. I’ve spent the majority of my life and my career at the crossroads of fine jewelry and emerging technology. As anyone who has ever spent more than five minutes with me knows, I love to overthink and discuss how our more traditional industry can leverage modern tech....
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