Geoffrey Moffett

Hey!  I'm Geoffrey and right now 110% of my time is focused on building Triovia, a digital and social media marketing education company.  

In this small part of the internet I blog about thoughts, stories and ideas.  
January 22, 2024

The Eureka Moment: From Complex to Simple

Hey there friends! Ever found yourself knee-deep in a puzzle so complicated it makes your head spin? You know, the kind that's like trying to untangle a ball of yarn that a kitten's had a whole night with. Yeah, those ones. But stick with me here, because we're about to dive into the absolute joy of cracking those hard nuts! Picture th...
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January 21, 2024

Clear the Clutter: Unleashing the Superstar in Your Mind!

Hey there, friend! You know those moments when your mind feels like a room full of scattered puzzle pieces? Been there, done that. But let me tell you a secret, your mind, when clear, is a superstar! It can outshine any cluttered state you've ever been in. Think about it this way. Your mind is like a sky. When it's clear, you can see s...
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January 21, 2024

Freelancing Challenges: My Experience with Families First NI Limited - Mighty Women NI

As a freelancer, I often encounter a diverse array of projects and clients. One of my recent experiences was working with Families First NI Limited, a company managing two distinct websites: Mighty Women NI and Education NI based in Northern Ireland. This project, while rewarding in terms of experience, also taught me a valuable lesson...
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January 21, 2024

Ready, Set, Dream: Discovering the Superpower called Perseverance!

Hey, you! Yes, you. The one with big dreams and an even bigger to-do list. I see you. You've got a goal, don't you? A big, scary, exciting goal that feels more like a mountain than a molehill. You're standing at the base, looking up at the peak, wondering how on earth you're going to get there. It's daunting, isn't it? But here's a sec...
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January 21, 2024

The Road Less Traveled: Unpacking the Value in Taking the Hard Path in Startups

Hey there, fearless entrepreneur! Buckle up and get ready to take a thrilling journey through the winding roads of startup life. You know that feeling when you're faced with two paths? One is smooth, well-lit, and looks pretty darn easy. The other one? Rocky, steep, and looks like it could use a warning sign or two. In the world of sta...
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January 20, 2024

Embrace the Climb: Why Striving Beats Arriving Every Time!

Hey there friends! You know what they say, right? The journey is often more exciting than the destination itself. I've got a little nugget of wisdom to share with you today that's all about that. Here's the deal: better work often comes from those striving for excellence than from those who have already achieved it. You're thinking, "W...
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January 20, 2024

Embracing Empathy: The Heart's Perspective on Building Stronger Connections"

Understanding another's viewpoint is a challenge, yet vital. People's actions are guided by their world view. For instance, a person who values hard work might see relaxation as laziness. Empathy bridges these gaps, fostering connections in relationships and workplaces alike. Benefits? Improved communication, trust, and mutual respect....
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January 19, 2024

Solve Problems, Adapt to Situations, and Thrive Amid Challenges

Making the distinction between problems and situations is necessary for small business owners to address chronic concerns. Even if they could be expensive or time-consuming, problems have remedies. But situations are realities of the professional world that one must acknowledge and adjust to. Realising this distinction helps people de-...
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January 18, 2024

Fundamental Focus: Building Business Success with Quality, Networking, and Clear Communication

Success in entrepreneurship isn't just about going viral. It's about mastering the basics: communication, networking, and quality. By consistently communicating the value of your product or service, you connect with your audience and establish trust. Networking isn't just about meeting people; it's about connecting with the right peopl...
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January 17, 2024

The Importance of Valuing Time: An Investment in Self and Others

"People who don't value their own time won't value yours". This quote may seem harsh, but it carries a profound truth about the significance of time management. It drives home the point that how we value our own time is a reflection of how we respect others' time. Today, we'll delve deeper into understanding the essence of valuing time...
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January 16, 2024

Storytelling in Business: How To Draft a Captivating Story

Storytelling is an age-old tradition that has found its rightful place in the world of business. But what exactly does storytelling in business mean, and why has it become so critical in today's corporate world? What is Storytelling in Business? At its core, storytelling in business is about weaving a narrative around your company, pro...
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January 12, 2024

Walking the Tightrope: Freelance, No Work, and Taking Control of Your Future

There are plenty of options to labour without receiving payment in the broad field of freelancing. Writers, designers, photographers, and other creative professionals who work as freelancers have probably heard the enticing lure of doing work for "exposure." Many times, websites, organisations, and clients are willing to take your hard...
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January 11, 2024

Embracing Generosity: The Key to Outstanding Customer Service in 2024

In today's competitive business environment, providing exceptional customer service has become more than just an option. It's absolutely necessary. This is especially true in 2024, when customer expectations have risen dramatically as a result of technological and communication improvements. The term "Default to Generosity" has emerged...
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January 6, 2024

Boost Your Profits: The Smart Way to Revamp Your Marketing Strategy!

Marketing is a well-known truth that is a vital expenditure for any business. However, many businesses are investing large sums of money in marketing activities that provide little to no return. What causes this to happen? The explanation can be found in classic marketing blunders such as a lack of target audience research, a failure t...
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January 4, 2024

Eight Marketing Commandments: A Roadmap to Success

Marketing has become a vital factor in deciding a brand's success or failure in the ever-changing world of business. We distil the essence of great marketing into eight powerful maxims in this article. 1. The Influence of Trust: In the marketing world, trust is more valuable than just attention. A loyal consumer is one who trusts you, ...
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January 3, 2024

The Liberating Art of Getting Lost on Purpose

In a fast-paced world obsessed with destination, the concept of being 'lost on purpose' provides a liberating viewpoint. This concept questions the commonly held belief that being 'lost' is a negative state. Instead, it celebrates ambiguity and experimentation. You're not genuinely lost when you're lost on purpose; you're on a path of ...
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January 3, 2024

Managing Your Attention: A Crucial Skill for Personal Development

In a world filled with distractions, the ability to focus one's attention has become a valuable skill. Not only does this skill impact our learning and ideas, but it also shapes the lens through which we view the world. Focusing attention, like typing, juggling, or project management, is a skill that can be honed and mastered. We frequ...
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December 28, 2023

The Journey to Your True Passion: Ignoring the Noise and Embracing Your Dreams

Discovering what we truly desire in life is a personal journey unique to each of us. It's a path with unexpected twists, exhilarating peaks, and challenging valleys. It's not an overnight realisation. Some of us may find our life's passion early on, while others may take longer. And that's perfectly fine. Embracing this journey to unde...
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December 28, 2023

Social and Digital Marketing's Significance for Northern Ireland's Small Businesses in 2024

It's astonishing to see how many small businesses in Northern Ireland still haven't completely embraced the power of social and digital marketing in the fast-paced, technologically-driven world as we move into 2024. It makes sense to be hesitant—traditional approaches have proven effective for many years; why change what isn't broken? ...
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December 27, 2023

Making a Final Impression: Being Remembered Is More Important Than Being Followed

It's simple to get sucked into the numbers game in the digital society we live in. We frequently use our social media following as a gauge of our success. However, I would like to know how many people truly remember you, forget about how many people follow you? The fact is that there is far more value in being remembered than in simply...
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December 26, 2023

Content Is King: Content's Crucial Function in Marketing

Content has become the central component of marketing in the digital age. However, some marketers continue to see "content marketing" and "marketing" as two different things, which is a false and ineffective perspective. As a conduit between brands and their intended audience, content is the foundation of successful marketing initiativ...
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December 7, 2023

The Psychology of Need vs. Want: Why Need Drives Us to Take Quicker Action

"If you ever want to see how fast something can get done, need it rather than want it." This remark aptly captures an intriguing aspect of human psychology and behaviour: the distinction between needs and wants and how each influences our activity. The idea is straightforward: we are more inclined to act swiftly and forcefully to obtai...
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December 7, 2023

Make This Christmas Extra Special: Support Local Businesses

As the festive season swiftly approaches, a sense of joy and excitement makes its way into our hearts. The twinkling lights, the aroma of delicious holiday treats, and the familiar melodies of Christmas carols in the air create an enchanting atmosphere that is truly unmatched. But this year let's add another layer to our holiday celebr...
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December 6, 2023

AI as a Revolution, Not a Threat to the Writing Industry

It's a widespread belief that conventional professions, like the highly regarded writing profession, are in danger from artificial intelligence (AI). Since AI is advancing in many areas and replacing human labour with automated systems, there is reason for concern. However, AI should not be seen as a job killer in writing but as a pric...
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December 4, 2023

Turning Constraints into Creativity: The Unconventional Advantage of Bootstrapping Your Startup

It's a common misperception that starting a business requires a sizable initial investment. For many people, the idea of launching a business on the cheap or no money seems overwhelming, if not impossible. But in the competitive world of entrepreneurship, going lean may just be your secret weapon—contrary to popular assumption. Dispell...
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November 30, 2023

Breaking Free: Uncover Your True Self and Forge Your Own Path

We live in a world where standards and expectations are thrown at us all the time. We are constantly being taught who to be, what to do, and how to spend our lives—from the covers of glossy magazines to the most popular posts on social media, from our parents' goals to the expectations of society. As a result, there is a self-awareness...
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November 29, 2023

My Year as Kajabi's Number One Vetted Expert: A Journey of Learning, Growth, and Change

I still remember the day clearly - January 28th, 2023. An email notification pinged on my phone. As I swiped open the message, my eyes lit up with excitement and disbelief. I had been selected to join the Kajabi Expert program. It was a moment of pure joy, validation, and anticipation. A moment where all my hard work, late nights, and ...
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November 28, 2023

You Are Not Able to Please Everyone, So Feel Free To Leave Out

The idea of openly rejecting people may seem contradictory in a culture where social acceptance and peace are greatly prized. But it's a crucial way of thinking that can help people live more fulfilled lives and help organisations accomplish their objectives more successfully. It is just impossible to please everyone, and realising thi...
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November 28, 2023

Having a Marathon Mentality to Achieve Long-Term Success

"All massive accomplishments are simply the aggregate total of many small things done well, over a very long period of time." This stirring quotation serves as a poignant reminder that success takes time to attain in all facets of life. Rather, it is the outcome of persistent discipline, consistent effort, and endurance. We may apply t...
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November 26, 2023

Cultivating Your Network: How Positivity Fuels Business Triumphs

Positive people in your professional network might stimulate your development and achievement. They push your boundaries, encourage you to seek higher, and offer helpful criticism to improve you. They are the ones who inspire you in difficult times and rejoice over your accomplishments, no matter how minor. They are your friends, mento...
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