Lila Tace

Pinned post from August 25, 2024

The Complete God And Art Book Series By Lila Tace

Purchase the books God And Art: From Pain To God Through Art (Book I.) I. Give This To A Sleeping Artist. There are three acts of every artist’s journey. Act 1: Asleep Act 2: Awakening Act 3: Awakened Act 1: You create work as a selfish artist at home. You think your work is exceptional and are owed money and fame. You may hoard your w...
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August 20, 2024

What if there's no image to uphold?
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August 20, 2024

How does art change the world?

Hide it all in your art. Conserve it with your heart. Let it enter the world. Repeat. Living artifacts. Creative output.
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August 18, 2024

Creative output.
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August 18, 2024


One verse—one song.
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August 18, 2024

Free fall.

The best artists have no walls to creation. No walls of perceptions of self and others. When they create, they free fall. Creation is dampened by, 'What will others think of me and my art?' Creation is boxed in by, 'Is this okay to share?' Creation is halted creating through identity. When all perceptions cease, creation creates itself...
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August 17, 2024

Last bridge.

• I optimize for joy—not views, not money. • It’s not how it is now—it’s how it is a thousand songs from now. • I am acutely inspired by Picasso and his creative output.
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August 17, 2024

Creating art we are creating ourselves.
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August 16, 2024

Commandments of creativity.

• I do the work only I can do—my work, not a copy of someone else's authentic work. By being authentic, there is no competition. • Whenever there is something to capture, I capture it. When there is nothing to capture, I withhold. It's not my choice—it's what comes through me. • The potency of work comes from the state of doing. Non-do...
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August 16, 2024

Life goes:

Being alive, forgetting the self, taking on foreign forms, painfully living fake lives, waking shockingly to that very fact, addressing the gunk, molding, then completely surrendering the mask, and then returning to the authentic self. From life to death to life again. Life loses itself to the projected-manifactured-fractured-fabricate...
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August 14, 2024

Why are creations successful on this planet? Because they point to truth. Because they hold the key.
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August 13, 2024

How I define excellence moving forward.

Excellence consists of 1. potency (the artist's state captured in performance) 2. excellence of songwriting (words that point to God) 3. audio quality and music production (minimal-necessary) 4. adding elements/ inventing the unessential ≠ adding value, and often takes in vast magnitude from the song & its purpose I wrote a book that i...
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August 13, 2024

Spirituality =

The practice of surrender & release of layers of accumulated past (fabricated protection mechanism in response to trauma: identity structure/ false self) that results in complete alignment with life through uncovering the authentic self, your life's task, and direct experience of God.
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August 12, 2024

What would that look like?

A poet that is in direct contact with life. Completely surrendered—a complete vessel. Not degrees away; no identity in the way. What would that look like?
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August 11, 2024

Fabrication of an identity Shattering of the fabrication Deconstruction of the residue Emergence of the authentic self
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August 11, 2024

And gifts don't leave the world.

People who know their souls create and exchange gifts from the same place. Gifts reached me, transformed me, uprooted me softly, and put me on the path to becoming a gift-giver myself, and gifts I'll give! Gifts I'll give from all of me in the deepest gratitude for existence, who has come before me, and who will come after me. It's gif...
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August 10, 2024

Grace and holy art.

An exchange of God through different vessels. Direct transmissions, collapsing separation into wholeness. Arts' purpose—to make whole. Grace and holy art.
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August 9, 2024

The meditation is hidden in the story, and this is his transmission. Does he know it? No. Does that matter? No. To use his talents to reach the right hearts and plant seeds is cunningly selfless. The words occupy the mind, meditation happens, and frequencies merge. The songs taste good, but the tasteless underneath is the grail—a story...
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August 6, 2024

My spiritual practice.

Remove the residue of currents opposing complete self-expression.
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August 6, 2024

It’s not about what I want. It’s about what the world needs. Beyond all the layers of false-masquerading wants. Your true want is what the world needs.
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August 6, 2024

What I learned from reading 'Elon Musk', by Walter Isaacson.

Elon never considers himself. He considers himself last. He gives his existence to the highest leverage/ ROI of the expended energy of his vessel to sentient beings. That's why everything (most) works for him. Because it works for the world. His viewpoint is the highest and most whole I have seen. It put tears in my eyes. He doesn't co...
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August 6, 2024

Decision making.

Is the problem a problem? Don't solve or optimize stupid, unessential things. Consider second-order consequences. What's painful now but good later? Clear thinking is beyond the filter of identity; clarity is seeing reality as it is. Fix root causes; don't make irreversible decisions on the spot. First principles: what is true?; ask th...
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August 6, 2024

My definition of freedom.

I don't do anything for anybody’s perception of me (including my own).
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August 3, 2024

Playing victim.

Cord cutting, energetically clearing your apartment, shunning your mother, all miss the point. Clear your space within. That’s where you live. That’s where you feel good or bad. Inhabit yourself. Face that it’s unpleasant and clean up. Don’t fix the world or shun people. Fix yourself. Don’t complain. Be grateful that your mother acutel...
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August 3, 2024

Consciousness is not going anywhere. It doesn't project outside. It cannot go away from or return to itself. Direct experience is clouded by the responses of the nervous system to outer stimuli. Beyond those responses, you are. All is happening within.
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August 3, 2024

The listeners decide. I strongly believe that.
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August 3, 2024


There is no world. There are just my responses to outer stimuli that are happening within. Therefore, there is a world. When there is no more response, there is no more world.
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August 2, 2024

The outside affecting the inside.

Everything generates and originates from within. My responses are up to me to deconstruct and reshape in acute self-awareness. My responses; my responsability. I am the owner of my inner world, not the victim of circumstance. I want a pleasant experience. I like my soul happy.
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July 31, 2024

The purer the vessel, the purer the songs.
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July 31, 2024

I was making music and treating my songs with alarming casualness. That stops today.
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July 31, 2024

My soul talks.

I am my songs. I am the transmission. I know the direction. I have the gut feeling. My soul talks.
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