Lila Tace

Pinned post from August 25, 2024

The Complete God And Art Book Series By Lila Tace

Purchase the books God And Art: From Pain To God Through Art (Book I.) I. Give This To A Sleeping Artist. There are three acts of every artist’s journey. Act 1: Asleep Act 2: Awakening Act 3: Awakened Act 1: You create work as a selfish artist at home. You think your work is exceptional and are owed money and fame. You may hoard your w...
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July 30, 2024

Projecting one's authentic self naturally leads to abundance.

Work on the only right thing (projecting your authentic self into the world) by facing layers of who you are not. Share your portfolio of work, build products that are an extension of who you are, create media that represents your truth, and align it all with joy. If it's not natural to you, it's not aligned with you. If it's not a joy...
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July 29, 2024

To see or not to see.

Reality is always different from one's personal distorted view. The bigger the distance between reality and distortion, the more neurotic and less sane the person. The closer you match your filter with reality (best take it off from time to time), the clearer you see and the smoother you move within your little world. To be or not to b...
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July 29, 2024

On clarity.

Clarity means I know what to do and how to do it. The only thing keeping me from the action is distortions (past conditioning) that I need to face along the way in the form of opposing thoughts and emotions. Intelligence means awareness. The more aware one is, the more one sees reality as it is and can make decisions independent of one...
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July 29, 2024

Real exploration is only had alone.
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July 29, 2024

What do I know for sure? Not much.

I am not who I thought I was: a rigid identity of my past. I am moldable and take on shapes, yet I am not the shapes. I see my past, not reality, as it is. With acute self-awareness, I can shed layers of my past and, thus, free up my future. I realized I was going in circles a lot. I naturally become more intelligent the more I see rea...
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July 29, 2024


Everything I must say, I say in a book or song. If there is a teaching, it's direct experience.
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July 28, 2024

I'm a poet, after all.

At age 15, I started composing songs. It would take another 15 years for me to see: it's my little soul singing. To sleep or wake? A choice or fact? Incapable of living someone else's life: I'm a poet, after all.
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July 28, 2024

Intersection of God and song.

My number one priority is self-refinement. An authentic projection of my soul makes for pure songs. Love through music. That’s my transmission.
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July 25, 2024

The spiritual meaning of relationships: romantic and otherwise.

Relationships are for spiritual growth. My Partner mirrors my trauma back at me. I don't see them; I see my projections. Lucky me! Now, to heal, I face my trauma on the path to genuine relating. In romantic relationships, open communication in complete vulnerability leads to dissolving every trauma response into love. Such resolutions ...
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July 25, 2024

I surrender myself and my gifts to God.
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July 24, 2024

On karma.

I am living my past (trauma). Before I burn it, I am not living freely as my soul. The moment I recognize a pattern, I separate it from the emotion. I sit with the emotion and gently observe it without judgment or storylines. I sit until the emotion dissipates. That way, I retrain my nervous system not to respond in a traumatic way. Th...
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July 24, 2024

The ocean.

The still water is clear. The moving water is cloudy. Clarity is stillness. Movements cloud clarity. The ocean's surface is wild and unpredictable. The deeper we sink into the ocean, the more stillness and potent silence we find. Only the surface fragments; stillness collapses the many into one. The deeper we sink into ourselves, the c...
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July 20, 2024

Inner knowing.

You know what there is to know after karmic resolution. You don’t know something that you cannot access yet for layers of karma are blocking knowledge (released by purging those layers). The freer the being, the higher knowledge it accesses, and can access knowledge by inner contemplation and letting go. The answer will come as karmic ...
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July 19, 2024

On free will.

Fooled by our traumas, we think our choices are our own. In reality, we are living our past. In this corrupt state, the only free will we have is to either deal with the past or further hide from it. Meditation is dealing with reality acutely and pulling roots, freeing the soul from its bondage (past accumulated trauma) and freeing up ...
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July 19, 2024

To make art or to be art?

You are not supposed to make art but be your art. Your work is not an accumulation but your practice of dissolution.
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July 18, 2024

There is no hiding from a true master. There is no hiding from the mirror. There is no hiding from the world. There is no hiding from life. There is only hiding from oneself.
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July 18, 2024

Perfect flow.

Aligned with soul, everything becomes simple, effective, and effortless (actions, habits, life in general). When friction arises, distortions are faced, roots are pulled, and perfect flow and natural self-expression are established. I've come to find solutions are always the most simple, natural, and therefore effortless things. Run fr...
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July 18, 2024

About art.

It's about the potency, not the eloquence. You can only create what you are.
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July 18, 2024

The doors.

Selflessness, humbleness, and humility are the doors. Complete trust and surrender to life and creation are the doors.
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July 16, 2024

I am special.

How can I feel special if I’m collective? People who feel special have no experience of reality.
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July 16, 2024

Death is not art.

Teach dharma through art. Death is not art. Living teaching imparts direct experience through vibrating words brought forth by a clear vessel in meditation. Dharma is the unity of existence, the collective being. Living art is pulsating, vibrant, alive nektar that imparts direct experience of the ultimate reality.
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July 16, 2024

The Fall

The Fall The Pure Sea Of Knowledge The Corral Of Emptiness The Nektar Of What Is The Virginity Of Love The Clarity Of Truth The Unity Of Action One Song Of Souls One Walk Of Kings Cries of shepherdless sheep
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July 13, 2024

If I walk away, do I take my love from you? If you walk away, do you take your love from me?
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July 12, 2024

Rite of passage.

I don’t think I ever was alone. When life beat me down, it curiously watched me. When life beat me more, I became less and less. The world destroyed me out of compassion. When I was no more, I woke up in God's arms. Death was my rite of passage.
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July 12, 2024

People love each other. They just don’t know how to love. Show them.
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July 12, 2024

Alice through the looking glass.

The only natural action is choiceless. There is no action. Performing no-action the soul abides in its own nature. That is freedom: perfect choicelessness, independent from the projected world. Looking in, not looking out. But then, who is looking? The world is the greatest teacher because the world is you. Your pain leads you home. Yo...
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July 12, 2024

Fierce freedom.

I don’t judge others, consequently I don’t judge myself and create in utter freedom. My self-expression is not dampened by my fears as I am melting them in my heart. I am free as I am freeing myself of my past. I am free as I walk without my given name. Can fierce freedom be named? How can the world mask freedom? How can the world put ...
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July 12, 2024

Complete self-expression is the key to success.

Actions that are complete cast no shadows. Complete actions arise as spontaneous, natural expressions of the soul without any filter through the image we hold of ourselves. When such work meets the world, authenticity shines through and connects naturally with the hearts that it is for. Limiting self-expression by trauma responses is t...
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July 11, 2024

The secret to immortality.

The Secret To Immortality. Divine River Of Life Will you carry me? Divine Ocean Of Bliss Will you bury me? Divine Water Of Knowledge Will you reveal to me? The Secret To Immortality Hail, River Divine Your stream sounds so pure Hail, Ocean Supreme Shall I just let me go? My splintered, scattered self At once, your waves devour I am jus...
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July 10, 2024

On curses.

Curses are ill wishes; thought currents harassing the image you hold about yourself, and are fed by energetic participation (emotional, mental) and drive to certain actions, often subconscious compulsive behavior. The longer the participation the deeper the effect, as habits solidify. Let’s pull the root. When you dissolve the image, w...
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