Lila Tace

Pinned post from August 25, 2024

The Complete God And Art Book Series By Lila Tace

Purchase the books God And Art: From Pain To God Through Art (Book I.) I. Give This To A Sleeping Artist. There are three acts of every artist’s journey. Act 1: Asleep Act 2: Awakening Act 3: Awakened Act 1: You create work as a selfish artist at home. You think your work is exceptional and are owed money and fame. You may hoard your w...
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July 10, 2024

On abandonment.

When I was little, my father abruptly drove off after my parents had a fight. I ran after the car and demanded he return to me. He didn't see me. He left. I went back to the house and cried myself to sleep. I wasn't the reason he left. I didn't know that. Growing up, people abruptly abandoned me. That made me feel: totally helpless. I ...
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July 10, 2024

What is authenticity?

Authenticity is immediate expression of soul without leaving shadows. Authenticity is not possible if the soul is dispersed in the land of images. Authenticity collects those images and burns them in the light of its soul. Authenticity recognizes soul within and is acutely self-aware of trauma responses pulling it without. Authenticity...
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July 10, 2024

What is love?

Love allows authentic self-expression without demands. No cunning for a sweet expression or affirmation. Love communicates openly in complete vulnerability and truth. No ego protection and hiding away. Love observes unloving inner responses and joyfully burns them within. No letting past trauma invoke distance. Love results in independ...
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July 8, 2024

On restlessness.

Restlessness is a misunderstanding of the attainment of inner peace. Misaligned, the restless person fixes his outside world to finally sit and be. The wise person sits peacefully. Having resolved his issues internally his external world becomes simple. Restlessness is not fixed by solving issues. There is always another issue that pop...
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July 8, 2024

As long as I’m with her, I rejoice. The moment she leaves, I’m content. That is love.
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July 8, 2024

My heart is with my soul. My home is with God.

I recognized myself in another. That person invoked soul recognition in me. Then I attached to that person as my other piece of soul. I connected my soul recognition to the person that invoked it. Then I looked again and saw that my soul is complete in and of itself. Now I can love her as I am content within. Now I am free of her as I ...
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July 8, 2024

My external world is a reflection of my relationship with God.
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July 7, 2024

Give a transmission with every book. Give a taste with every blog post. Make em swim with every smile. Make em sing with every song.
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July 7, 2024

Ultimate love is self-love.

Let’s become citizens of the collective being. There is no war if we witness the collective nature within. How can there be hate? Ultimate love is self-love.
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July 5, 2024

All the greatest love stories are but one.

I forgot myself. I lost myself to the land of images. Then I remembered, and the land of images brought me my soul. As above, so below.
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July 5, 2024

The kingdom of heaven only allows selfless beings to enter. Heaven is beyond the world of images. When you recognize the falseness of your image and you take off your coat, you find yourself already there.
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July 4, 2024

That is the only way to teach.

How can you teach someone something that is not in the realm of their experience? Dead teaching doesn't impart experience. Living teaching gives a taste. That way, the teaching is not regarded as some gibberish but a recognition of what's already within. That is the only way to teach.
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July 4, 2024

First of all, become sane. Then, you may poke others to sanity in your own way.
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July 4, 2024

Don’t teach. Make art.

Teach with art. All ends in art that teaches. That's the end game for artists. Art with essence. Pulsating art. Vibrant, pure. Art with self-protected hidden gems— accessible to the living. Mistaken for average and boring. Art, like all art. Hide it all in your art. Preserve it with your heart.
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July 1, 2024

I love like I want to be loved; I teach like I want to be taught

I share a prayer, and that is my invocation. I write a book, and that is my exploration. I sing a song, and that is my meditation. I do it for myself—in choicelessness—in utmost selfishness—which is selflessness—giving-getting at once—that's why it works—cause I don't do a thing—and who creates no thing?—and who consumes nothing? lilat...
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June 27, 2024

How can I be selfish without an image? What I am is selfless in nature.
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June 27, 2024


You* are not just enough. You* are what God made & the world needs. *Not your image but your soul.
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June 27, 2024

Where do thoughts come from?

It's frequencies that you tune into—collective clusters of shit. You tune in and participate by frequency. You feed it by entertaining it, by giving attention & emotion to it. These are my own realizations, which I am documenting here. If they don't resonate, skip them—I'm not offended. Thoughts and emotions are collective.
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June 23, 2024

Who’s dying anyway?

The ego is a protection mechanism, albeit a silly one! The ego is a trauma response. Cut the bogus and be total-vulnerability. The ego hurts as it dies off. Watch it with love. Who's dying anyway?
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June 23, 2024

Love Can Only Be Met With Love

No one can reject an authentic & honest resolution in total vulnerability. Resolve like that. No one can reject an authentic & honest relationship in total vulnerability. Love like that. No one can reject an authentic & honest song in total vulnerability. Make art like that. Let your natural expression— Be the miracle
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June 22, 2024


I AM. (Shadows, Afterthoughts, Masks. Natural, spontaneous, effortless being in complete truth, authenticity, and vulnerability.)
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June 22, 2024

Time is my ally; death is my friend. For I refine myself (die to myself) every moment.
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June 21, 2024

Show Me The Way

Today, I serve you, God—show me the way. Today, I am yours, God—show me the way. Today, I listen. Today, I serve. To bring the greatest joy to the world. The greatest joy that I can bring. Take my fate, work miracles through me, and show me the way. Amen
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June 19, 2024

Frauds & Images

When people are relating, they are relating through images. I have an image of myself. You have an image of me. They are not one. I have an image of you. You have an image of yourself. They are not one. People never meet. When you start shedding layers of your image, you feel like a fraud. The new and the old image collide. You know th...
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June 19, 2024

The perfect teacher is the perfect mirror.
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June 18, 2024

Create And Let God

When you do, do in meditation. When you do, let your soul take over. When you do, plunge into pure being. When you do, let life work itself out. When you do, step aside. When you do, be—total vulnerability. Then, your work flows effortlessly. And your work becomes simple. And your work comes alive. Create and let go. Create and let go....
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June 18, 2024

The Spiritual Path Of Art

You have your house, and it’s firm. You live in it as if it were your kingdom. You cherish it. It’s all you know. An artist comes along and opens a window. The rays of the sun peek in and poke you gently. With time, you, the inhabitant, notice the light. Is there more outside of your house? More time passes, and you realize that life i...
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June 16, 2024

I am the natural, spontaneous action—not the afterthought.
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June 14, 2024

Self-Born Knowledge

You are who you are. Who needs to acknowledge that? You don’t need anyone to clap for you. You know, that’s it. That is self-born knowledge—no approval needed. There is no desire for someone to praise or approve. You are that; that’s it. It has become part of your reality as you have unfolded it within your heart. Self-knowledge is not...
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June 14, 2024

Potent Work: Potency Vs. Force

I used to think that hard work was the root of great work. That force was necessary to create work worth sharing. I have come to a different conclusion. I realized that when I am aligned with my authentic/natural being, work flows effortlessly. I realized that when I force, I am not in complete alignment. Forced work pales in compariso...
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