Tasos Sangiotis

An electrical engineer at Arpedon with a broad range of interests from electrical, to mechanical & automation. Photoshooter, runner and a fan of good food & alcohol. You can also find me on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and on Instagram. If you choose to wander this wasteland do so with caution. Consider this your final warning.
Pinned post from December 12, 2024

Book tally

2024 1. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement - Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox 2. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win - Jocko Willink, Leif Babin 3. Leadership Strategy and Tactics Field Manual - Jocko Willink 4. The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes - Neil Gaiman 5. The Sandman: The Doll's House - Neil Gaiman 6. The ...
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March 13, 2025

Remote images in Apple Mail Signatures

I recently started testing Apple mail and found it impossible to use a hosted image in my professional signature. By default, dragging or pasting an image into Apple Mail’s signature editor causes Mail to embed the image (i.e. attach it) to every outgoing email. To use a remote image (so that the logo is loaded from your server rather ...
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August 22, 2024

Troubleshooting Using Bias Voltage

ICP aka IEPE sensors are nice! Much easier to work with than the old stuff and still way better in performance than MEMS equivalents. Beginning with those, I was frustrated with som ICP (Integrated CircuitPiezoelectric) vibration sensors not working. The sensor is driven by a dead simple circuit: As you see: • A current limiting diode ...
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August 20, 2024

I just started running again after I just started running again

Gear Acquisition Syndrome is a thing and it works if you clench your teeth and restrain yourself. When I got a new running watch on May 2024 I started running again. I got a Garmin Instinct 2X, black and white no-touchscreen G-SHOCK like behemoth which I fancy a lot. When I got it I run a lot. I also shed about 8kgs. When the heatwaves...
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April 23, 2024

Gmail Forwarding - Avoid messages being trapped to spam

My work email is on Gmail. I cannot in any way understand people with multiple inboxes. I have tried it, it is the most cumbersome thing. So I forward my work Gmail to my personal and use the SMTP to send from the personal email. Here and again however spam email are not being forwarded. This is some security trick but in any way it br...
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January 23, 2024

Review: The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement - Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox

It is a novel that guides you through the theory of constraints and production flow. It is also a good story. Rarely you would be interested in the life of a plant manager (Alex Rogo) and his marital issues but the authors captivate you with it. Simplifications were not disregarded as tools for the story and were explained and challeng...
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July 16, 2023

Microsoft ruins my computer

I had performed one clean install of Windows since 2018. Since then I didn’t have any particular problems until last week when my laptop started acting up… I figured some driver is corrupted. A format is past due for that champ anyways. Let’s start over. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Too much lemon though. I procceded with the recommended ...
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February 15, 2023

Recently (Oct. 2022)

Τελευταία ακούω Audiobooks. Έχω μαζέψει πάνω από 12 ώρες αυτό το μήνα. 30 λεπτά το πρωί, 30 το απόγευμα και λίγα ακόμα στις μεγαλύτερες διαδρομές μου. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι σχεδόν να έχω ολοκληρώσει 3 βιβλία. Σε αυτά είναι και το Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! για το οποίο έγραψα ένα μικρό review. New pins 📌 • Sound level distance da...
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October 23, 2022


Ήταν ένας μήνας εκθέσεων για την Arpedon. Αρχικά το maintenance forum. Και έπειτα η Euronaval όπου ήμασταν μέρος του εθνικού περιπτέρου. Αυτό το μήνα έχω δύο βιβλία στη ζώνη μου: • Several Short Sentences About Writing Paperback - Verlyn Klinkenborg • Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It - Christopher ...
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October 16, 2022

Review: Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Richard Feynman

Ο Richard P. Feynman, φυσικός και κάτοχος βραβείου Nobel είναι τουλάχιστον πνευματώδης. Το βιβλίο είναι γραμμένο από τον ίδιο. Review: ★★★ Ο Feynman είναι απόδειξη ότι οι καλές ιστορίες φέρνουν τους οπαδούς. Κατά δηλώσεις της περιόδου στο Caltech οι φοιτητές κρέμονταν από τα χείλη του. Πολλοί συνάδελφοι τον φθονούσαν. Έχει όντως απίστε...
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September 21, 2022

Review: Deep Work by Cal Newport

I am falling much behind in my book reading. To change that and jumpstart that train again I turned to an Audiobook and in particular the Deep Work by Cal Newport. Cal Newport gives a lot of examples getting also information from different figures scattered across the years. You definitely get convinced that you can do this kind of wor...
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September 4, 2022


Let's make this newsletter an actual newsletter. Bellow are new posts, new photos, new pins. New posts ✍ • Tuscan roads 🇬🇷 Aug 24, 2022 The above post is also on the mialigoura instagram on three sections: 1. Firenze 2. Siena and Val d'Orcia 3. Rome (Follow to see when posted) New pins 📌 • The Ultimate Moka Pot Technique (Episode #3) -...
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August 24, 2022

Tuscan roads

Μόλις γυρίσαμε από ένα ταξίδι στη βόρεια Ιταλία. Θυσιάσαμε το ελληνικό καλοκαίρι για brunello και ζυμαρικά και άξιζε. Οπότε αυτό το site μετατρέπεται προσωρινά στο food blog που θα ντροπιάσει τα food blogs. Φλωρεντία Το ταξίδι ξεκίνησε εδώ. Η Φλωρεντία είναι η μεγαλύτερη πόλη της περιφέρειας της Τοσκάνης με γραφικούς πλακόστρωτους δρόμ...
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August 12, 2022

Who to revert a revert to avoid a revert of revert

I fucked up a git thing. I merged a big ui change that hadn’t tested with real data and resulted in crashes. No problem, I revert but how you continue working after? The Linux kernel team has an answer. As per their explanations this is my preferred method of those explained: The history immediately after the "revert of the merge" woul...
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July 15, 2022

Get mains out of my signal

Power-frequency interference gets picked up through insufficiently shielded instrumentation or electricly generated mechanical faults. While correct installation, ground loop avoidance and elimination of other sources is the goal sometimes it is not possible. Bellow is the timeseries and spectrum of an heterodyned output ultrasound sen...
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July 11, 2022

TIL I learn

Recently I stumbled upon Simon Willison's of Django and Datasette fame TIL project. It is a public scratchpad of sorts and I like the idea. That guy scratches a lot though. I bookmark all kinds of stuff without really getting back to it and take notes on many places. Some notes though and especially those for programming reference I wa...
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June 29, 2022

Django: Redirecting from urls.py

I made some changes and slashed a page on Mechbase. Now it is possible some users have the page bookmarked or on an email and I wanted this to work but to not retain the url. At the same time I did't want to create a view just for that. There is a better way: from django.views.generic import RedirectView ... urlpatterns = [ ... path( "...
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June 19, 2022

Simpler search using Turbo Frames

Yesterday I wrote about a search implementation using icontains filters. It made me think of a simpler implementation on the HTMl side. In the past couple of years "extensions" to HTML that are not a full JS frameworks are getting poppular. We use the Hotwire. A useful feature of Hotiwire is that you can make a request through a form a...
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June 18, 2022

Simple django search

Sometimes you want to create a search box for your model entries in a django app. In order to not mess with complex search packages you can use the icontains QuerySet test on a filter. And because the UI is almost always the same, for my simple needs I have the following starting point. On your views.py add a general form that contains...
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June 15, 2022

Python instance check

Python being a dynamically typed (🦆) language lets you set whatever you want on a variable. Is it a string now and later a float. No worries now, we will worry when we have to. This is great when you want to set something but dealing with complex, not necessarily cohesive datasets gets you in trouble. Suppose you don't care about that ...
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June 15, 2022

Setting a variable default datetime value in Django/python

Django comparisons almost always require timezone aware datetimes. I tried with a None value but the comparison failed. A workaround to keep this compatible is to use epoch and isoparse with the timezone in the ISO string. from dateutil import parser check_date = parser.isoparse("1970-01-01T00:00:00+03:00")
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May 7, 2022


Recently I realized how ridiculus cloud storage prices are given that physical storage is dirt cheap. That relization was brought from our company's Dropbox anuall cost at 432€ for 3 people that need to share 250GB of files. A good quality 4TB HDD disk with 3 years of warranty costs about 100€ and I cannot accept that the management co...
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January 24, 2022

Beach freeze

It looks like climate change is a thing and it is changing alright. In Greece every year now we experience heavy snow in southern places in February or March. It became our thing while it was not so much. Anyway… Will try to go out and shoot a bit if possible. Stay safe!
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January 22, 2022

The Nemean Lion and its Wine

Start of December we visited a winery. I have been to distilleries and breweries but wine making has not made me drunk yet. Arriving at such facilities makes you aware of how much vines are needed for wine. Nemea is the place where the first Labor of Hercules took place. Myth has it that Hercules was sent to slay the Nemean lion which ...
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December 30, 2021

Milos – Sea, See, Eat, Drink

While in love or alone, Milos is a place to enjoy the sand and sun. Bellow are some musts from my visit. I will not bore you with the unpleasant or meh experiences. Only with the great and there were many. Sea First order of business about a week before your trip, book a boat toor. Before you book watch the weather for the best possibl...
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March 4, 2021

Snow Mask

On the snowiest day of the forever sunbathed Athens suburbia, I watch a boy cry about sand in his shoes. Little dude and his parents made the beach with masks and all the riches to enjoy the rare phenomenon. A pair of girls watch their dog joyfully jump around the kid. They nod at us as we smile at the adorable affair. We walk a bit to...
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