Dean Clough

September 20, 2021

Portico Darwin: Cool Racial Talk

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I was going to catalog all of Biden's missteps since taking office, but I don't have enough computing power here at the house. But as we're all throwing darts at Papa Joe, remember the French lost $90 billion when Oz decided to go with our nuke subs vs. their diesel ones. That may have something to do with their rathe...
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September 17, 2021

Portico Darwin: Nattering Nabob of Negativity?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS (For my many younger readers: today's title is a quote from Spiro Agnew, who was Richard Nixon's vice president. Until he resigned in disgrace over . . . corruption. Read on to see why I chose that for today's post title.) As part of his big push to get me to open up a proper reader's forum for this newsletter (done!)...
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September 16, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Forum Special Edition

No, not this. And definitely not that nutty cult group. Instead, and at the request of several kind readers, but especially Bob Scarf and Raymond Michaels, I present to you: The Portico Darwin Forum It's at my website - there's a lot of stuff there that doesn't make it into the newsletter, and now there's this. But this time it's reall...
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September 15, 2021

Portico Darwin: Nudge-y McNudge

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Let's go through midweek with a short post and some smart, fun stuff from two very smart people. Plus, I've got a new feature I'll introduce in a special post tomorrow. How exciting for you, I know. I read and pushed this book on friends early and often upon its initial publishing in 2008 and now it's back. It was and...
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September 13, 2021

Portico Darwin: Predatory Capitalism

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS (Yes, I did publish essentially the same article on LinkedIn over the weekend. Hey, I'm multi-platforming, but apologies to my friends that might have seen this already.) Required disclaimer so I don't get somehow canceled as a wannabe communist: I love capitalism. I've read some about the alternatives, and shocker: c...
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September 10, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Costs of War (and I'm Trying to Pay Some)

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Before I start, I must comment on the hysteria over President Biden's new vaccine mandates. Many are pointing to the fact that Biden and some on his staff had said previously they wouldn't impose them. Since then: • the Delta mutation of the virus exploded, and it is far more contagious and also impacts children • the...
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September 8, 2021

Portico Darwin: Running Amok

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS And you thought it was over? Our most insane of any travel year (actually, it started in July of 2020)? No, it's decidedly not over, and in fact, it's spilling (sloshing?) wildly into 2022. Warning: this is no humble brag post. This is a full-on, beg-from-the-rooftop "Look at me!" explosion of attention-seeking bragga...
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September 6, 2021

Portico Darwin: Is The Earth Flat?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Happy Labor Day. I hope you'll get out enjoy yourself, as we will. The main parade ground at The Presidio may never be the same again. Despite the new SF resident Ol' Purple Label saying Adam Grant is not that cool (the big-shot executive met him personally - of course she did), I still enjoyed his book "Think Again" ...
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September 3, 2021

Portico Darwin: Lost (Labor Day) Weekend

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Following is the fun, holiday-focused part of the blog, but I must first comment on the new Texas law outlawing abortions beyond approximately 6 weeks into the pregnancy. Texas mandates that a private business can't require a patron to don a mask, because that's too much of an intrusion on personal liberty. At the sam...
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September 1, 2021

Portico Darwin: Guest Starring Primo Harvey, PhD

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Who says it's always about me? I will demonstrate it isn't by turning over the reins today to the astute prose critic Primo Harvey, PhD. That's in honor of some excellent writing he did on a subject that needs more reflection by us as a country: the myth of American Exceptionalism. But it's also because he and fellow ...
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August 30, 2021

Portico Darwin: Not A Downer Blog

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Enough with the bad vibes in the world and let's start the week with an easy puzzle. What's unusual about this photo? And be specific, beyond the obvious . . . the answer is below KLUF. And now for something no one - and God, I mean no one - was asking for. Here is a slideshow of the first cars I ever owned, right up ...
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August 27, 2021

Portico Darwin: Afghanistan Ills

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I had a typically pithy post all written and ready, but that seems stupid and disrespectful now, in light of yesterday's terrorist attack in Kabul. At this point, how or why we're surprised at the barbarism of these zealots escapes me. We're leaving with our empire's tail between our legs and that still warrants suici...
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August 26, 2021

Portico Darwin: Special Reply Edition

I am truly grateful whenever any reader cares enough about what I write to truly engage. When that occurs, it is my privilege to share the conversation. On Tuesday, a friend and faithful reader of this blog (it's really a newsletter) sent me an email. This was in advance of yesterday's post regarding California's recall election, which...
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August 25, 2021

Portico Darwin: California's Stupid Recall Election

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Before another bitch session (however warranted), I mourn the death of Charlie Watts, drummer for The Rolling Stones. He died Tuesday in a London hospital. Their only drummer, over a career with them that began on January 12, 1963, he is considered the backbone of The Stones and their sound. RIP Mr. Watts, and sadly i...
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August 23, 2021

Portico Darwin: In Defense of Jimmy Carter + Other Untold Stories

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I recently read this excellent article in the Associated Press about how scholars are reevaluating the presidential tenure of Jimmy Carter. I had forgotten these highlights of his presidency, which the article describes: • It was Carter, not Reagan, that began the deregulation of airlines, trucking and other major ind...
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August 20, 2021

Portico Darwin: Travel Dreams, Travel Reality

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS First, there's a new fun feature at my website. Through the marvels of automation and cloud databases, there's now a live archive at my website. It is a searchable/sortable list of my posts, with links to each and it includes the all-important KLUF music section. I hope you'll give it a whirl: Portico Darwin Archive O...
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August 18, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Department of Defense Did It

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I know I ranted recently about Afghanistan and our pointless defeat at the hands of a bunch of fanatically religious primitives. But the speed of the total collapse at the hands of The Taliban of a government we've spent 20 years and $1 trillion + propping up riles me again. First, I place the onus of responsibility o...
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August 17, 2021

Portico Darwin: Arizona Biltmore Travel Review

Which trite phrase should I use? "A legend reborn"? "Come stay again for the first time"? In fact, neither, because the completely reinvigorated Arizona Biltmore speaks for itself. It was Killer and your stay likely will be Diamond Certified. Ours wasn't - with reasons that are funny now, not so much then - but we'll be coming back, ho...
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August 16, 2021

Portico Darwin: Exit Arizona Biltmore + Hotel Brands Run Wild

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Today, we fly home to SF after an epic stay here in stormy Phoenix. There will be my full take on the again-magic Arizona Biltmore in a Travel Review I'll publish tomorrow, but for now, here's a snapshot of two happy guests. Staying at The Biltmore motivates me to write about something that's been on my mind for a whi...
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August 13, 2021

Portico Darwin: Arrival Arizona Biltmore + High Speed Rail

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's Friday, so why not a super long post? Later today, we fly to the convection oven of Phoenix for 3 nights. Now, some/many/all may question the wisdom of heading there in August. To that I say you should see the nice ski jacket I bought for summers here in SF. So, yeah, it'll be hot, but that's what the AC, pool, W...
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August 11, 2021

Portico Darwin: Baby, It Is Not Cold Outside

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS While we thankfully have not had this yet here in SF, the wildfires and extreme heat are all around us. It's been a typically foggy and cold summer here, which is very welcome when compared with the smoke of the last two years. But I've still become really alarmed about climate change, and it's not just the recent new...
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August 9, 2021

Portico Darwin: I Don't Fly Delta

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS A fine weekend home in SF, our second in a row. For those keeping score, it was the first time I had been home for two consecutive weekends since . . . February. Queue the Emerson, Lake & Palmer. And what a weekend it was. Exploding virus numbers? They won't get me, Geddes! Friday, right out of a picture book. Saturda...
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August 6, 2021

Portico Darwin: Bands of Bobos

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Happy weekend. Here are two things that might not seem related, yet are. In the first part, I virtue-signal my coolness, and then in the second part, explain why that's been so damaging to America. Try to follow me here. First, my classic list of The Best Rock Albums of All Time: 1. The Beach Boys "Pet Sounds" 2. The ...
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August 4, 2021

Portico Darwin: Reply Special Edition

Here, in response to my recent Teddy Roosevelt post, is the medical engineering wunderkind Raymond Michaels. Thank you, Raymond, for this rejoinder from the inside. Other than removing references to his company, his reply is unedited. “"I agree the dynamism of America is waning but see the flip side of the coin of you. I know in the me...
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August 4, 2021

Portico Darwin: I Melted Down

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS If you've been reading this blog and paying much attention, you might recall I am a big fan of a book by Dr. Adam Grant, "Think Again". In a recent post, I highlighted the book's advocacy of the role of the inquisitive Scientist, vs. Preacher, Prosecutor, or Politician, especially when interacting with those whose opi...
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August 2, 2021

Portico Darwin: Teddy, Where Art Thou?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS What a great weekend. Thank you to Arthur and Mrs. Crup for hosting the Killer BBQ party on Saturday, and it was then a musical Sunday, spent with the inestimable Joan Jett & The Blackhearts in the supernatural Stern Grove here in SF. I Love Rock & Roll, indeed, and thanks Fi and Hunter for the invite! FYI the 62 year...
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July 30, 2021

Portico Darwin: Comedies

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Today, and for a refreshing change, I'll keep it light. I can feel America's and the world's problems disappearing, as I simply choose not to pay any attention to them! Plus, it's the weekend. There have been a lot of great comedic movies. There are classics from the earliest days of film, and throughout movie history...
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July 28, 2021

Portico Darwin: Afghanistan and The Forbidden Question

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS After the encyclopedic ("verbose" is likely the better adjective) Front Range Travel Guide, both you and I could use a short blog post today. No problem. (Warning: disclaimer only applies to this section) On Monday, I read a very powerful and also disturbing article, in the current issue of Esquire. I want to share it...
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July 27, 2021

Portico Darwin: Front Range Travel Guide

This part of the world, consisting of Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Boulder, some real mountain towns, and then the Rocky Mountains that are due west of it all are referred to as "The Front Range", short for "The Front Range of the Rocky Mountains". While Denver is a worthy and wonderful city, our focus this time was Rocky Mo...
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July 26, 2021

Portico Darwin: Exit The Front Range + The American Creed

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Well, it was one for the ages. Friday's kick-off party was wonderful, at a venue as cool as it was unique. The wedding itself? It deserves its own blog post, which may or may not happen. I will say my affection for this entire mob of Michaels has never been stronger. Love was certainly in the air, but rather than emot...
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