Dean Clough

May 1, 2023

Portico Darwin: The Good and Bad of Regulation

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Today and to complicate your Monday, I am going all nuance-y on you. Like this: • I am overall a YIMBY: yes, in my backyard, when it comes to new housing, infrastructure, etc. • But wow am I glad a development (practically in my backyard) called Marincello got the big-time NIMBY treatment I'll also use t...
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April 28, 2023

Portico Darwin: Things Are Moving Too Fast For Humans

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS < 3 Minute Read Today's post is heavy for a Friday, but it's an important topic, and an extension of one from a couple of weeks ago. In that post, I mentioned the premise that a 1,000 page book covering humanity's 250,000 year history would have everything that occurred from 1773 forward on its very last page. In othe...
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April 26, 2023

Portico Darwin: Size Matters

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS < 1 Minute Read Wouldn't it be nice for a hump day to just have some information, vs. my opinions, however enlightened? Here is a fun graphic I worked up, documenting and contrasting the sizes of the playing surfaces for most major sports. This is to scale, so it reflects the proportionate sizes of each. The full-size...
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April 24, 2023

Portico Darwin: America is Exceptional at Death

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Happy Monday! Let's talk about death! This is another of my posts influenced by the young genius Derek Thompson. He covered this topic on a recent podcast, and I found it interesting. And disturbing. Because America is a great country - even the greatest in some ways. But if a country is to be judged by ...
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April 21, 2023

Portico Darwin: Ride, Captain, Ride

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 1 Minute Read Happy Friday. This is a bike review, my second product review in as many days. But it's a story, too. Let's acknowledge the irony at the outset. Yes, I get angry at people for trashing my beloved SF. I believe the words du jour are dystopic hellscape? I almost wish it were true so we could afford to buy ...
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April 19, 2023

Portico Darwin: Lowering The Flag

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read I dedicate today's post to the phone snobs Miguel Shannon and Andy Jones. If you buy expensive mobile phones - like my two very dear friends - why? Because unless you're a gamer or a 4K movie producer, are you sure you need a (dark, intimidating background music is playing now) Flagship Phone? Here are t...
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April 17, 2023

Portico Darwin: Black Reparations

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 4 Minute Read The subject of reparations is not new, it is again at the fore and this time, it's a right-wing talking point. That's because The Psycho Woke here in SF are wasting time and money on a reparations plan that's beyond fantasy. $5 million per black resident of SF and forgiveness of all debt? Unlikely! But t...
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April 14, 2023

Portico Darwin: I've Invented an AI Game

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 1 Minute Read + Game Time And you thought this thing couldn't get any sillier? But maybe it will give you something to do over the weekend. Here is a new game I created, and it's called 3 On 9. The idea is to match what's called a prompt with its result. A prompt is a bit of text that provides an artificial intelligen...
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April 12, 2023

Portico Darwin: Right On Time

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Hooray! Wednesday! How about one of my quasi-deep philosophical posts? Because I recently finished a book and listened to a podcast. Thrilling news, I know, but they both do a Killer job of putting time in perspective. You've Got 4,000 Weeks The book is Four Thousand Weeks, by Oliver Burkeman. The title ...
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April 10, 2023

Portico Darwin: Don't Tread on Me

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Sorry for a somewhat inflammatory post on a Monday, but I am serious: JFC enough with bad-mouthing my beloved SF. Or Chicago. Or Seattle. Or any other radical far left liberal Democrat city. Or state for that matter. Yes - those of us in Democratic urban areas have problems, in some cases, pretty bad pro...
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April 7, 2023

Portico Darwin: And The Survey Says!

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS <3 Minute Read Return with me now to the halcyon days of the original Family Feud, with the British charmer and French kiss advocate Richard Dawson at the helm. Because it is he that immortalized the words "And the survey says!" and isn't that just perfect for today's big reveal of the results from the first-ever Port...
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April 5, 2023

Portico Darwin: Art Handsome

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS < 1 Minute Read After the survey, and then this past Monday's extended mirror gaze, you might want a bit less Portico Darwin for a hump day. And certainly no Trump, as I am ignoring the first and all of his many upcoming shit-show arrests. He and everything around him is a national embarrassment So here's a nice break...
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April 3, 2023

Portico Darwin: How The Sausage is Made

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 4 Minute Read It's a Monday. And now this. After reading today's veritable font of enlightenment, you might be glad the survey is open until this Wednesday. So you can scream. The Portico Darwin Blog Reader Survey There have been endless references to "my leaving TEECOM". There was the whole blog on my music system at...
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March 31, 2023

Portico Darwin: How The West Was Won?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS The Attached Article is a Long Read Thanks to those of you that completed the survey; for everyone else, there's still time to take your shots. The Portico Darwin Blog Survey I will keep the survey open for a week, and give my thousands hundreds dozens of subscribers plenty of time to tell me what they really think. T...
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March 29, 2023

Portico Darwin: Introducing Roy Dirwin

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 4 Minute Read Before getting started, please take 1 minute and answer 4 questions about how you're enjoying this blog. In other words, enough about me, but what do you think about me? Your responses are anonymous, and you might even enjoy the survey. The Portico Darwin Blog Survey I will take this feedback, and with t...
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March 27, 2023

Portico Darwin: Impromptu Movie Reviews

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Happy Monday and I came down with COVID, for the 2nd time since the pandemic's inception. I knew this already when I made my post on Friday, but hey, why ruin your weekend when I had that covered already? I'm fine already - mostly like a quick cold - but I thought these things were behind us? So line me ...
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March 24, 2023

Portico Darwin: Let's Leave the Rope Ladder Down

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS <5 Minute Read Let me virtue signal my way into the weekend by saying that I have a proud history of mentoring, both formally and informally. I enjoy helping others and giving back. And it has the side benefit that I get to hear myself talk - always a plus for me. I have an equally proud history of listening to very s...
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March 22, 2023

Portico Darwin: The Best Value in Men's Clothing?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Truth be told, I kind of enjoy clothes, fashion, and yes, style. You may not notice, but I put a lot of thought and effort into selecting which of the 4 Banana Republic Medium Tall Cotton T-Shirts in Black I own to wear on any given day. So today I share - in a mercifully shorter post for your hump day -...
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March 20, 2023

Portico Darwin: It Wasn't Just Jack Welch

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 4 Minute Read Happy Monday and I am just now wrapping up my latest read, Sally Denton's "The Profiteers". It has the exactly correct subtitle of "Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World." Except "Built the World" - while true in the sense you're probably imagining - also reflects something far more sinister. To this w...
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March 17, 2023

Portico Darwin: An Entire Post About a Playlist

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read A global pandemic, and then an attempted coup here. The first European ground war since World War II. Now, runs on banks and a looming nuclear war with China over Taiwan? BORING! What's next - supply chain disruptions of Weissβier? Sounds like a great weekend to hang around, and perhaps listen to great m...
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March 15, 2023

Portico Darwin: You Got Lucky Baby

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Yes, it's that time of year again! It's our 3 year Covid-19 anniversary tomorrow! Thank God that's over. It is over, right? Let's just say it is and today turn our attention (again) to the issue of wealth inequality in America. But I am going to approach it from a slightly different angle. First, I will ...
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March 13, 2023

Portico Darwin: The One About Shaving, Headphones and Floss

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Happy Monday. In putting together the word cloud stuff for the 2nd anniversary post, one thing really stuck out. I've been giving short-shrift to the most important thing there is as an American citizen: gear and its corollary, shopping. Let's attempt to right this wrong on a Monday with a looksie at som...
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March 10, 2023

Portico Darwin: Seamus Colonnity Meets a US Congressman!

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 5 Minute Read Specifically, Representative Wesley Hunt (R) of Texas. And OK, it was me that met him. He was a guest of Dr. Shelly Murphy in her suite at NRG Stadium this past Sunday night at the Rodeo, and is one of 9 congressional representatives from Harris County, in which Houston is located. He is also the only Re...
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March 8, 2023

Portico Darwin: You've Got a Friend

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Hello and happy hump day. While I enjoyed Houston and its rodeo, it is very good to be back home in SF. A lot of what I write here is influenced by the podcasts to which I listen, and one of my favorites is Plain Speaking by the thirtysomething genius Derek Thompson. Recently, he had as guests two academ...
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March 6, 2023

Portico Darwin: Depart Houston + Ride 'Em Cowboy

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS < 3 Minute Read Happy Monday and we head home to SF today. Despite the clamoring (in actuality, there was no clamoring) for a Houston Travel Guide, there's simply no point, as my experience is not available to the general public. In fact, today's post is fairly brief, and there's almost as much info on Thailand as Hou...
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March 3, 2023

Portico Darwin: 2 Years Old!

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Holy smokes, this blog is 2 years old tomorrow! What started as just a pitiful and narcissistic quest for relevance and attention in retirement has turned into . . . an ongoing pitiful and narcissistic quest for relevance and attention in retirement. 10 Seconds of Seriousness: as I've said here and to so...
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March 1, 2023

Portico Darwin: Don't Go There

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS <2 Minute Read Sure, we're in Houston having a crazy time, but why not throw some cold water on your vacation planning? I'd like to share the contents of Fodor's No List 2023. This is the travel website and publisher's annual attempt at discouraging visits to fragile and typically, over-loved, travel destinations. We'...
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February 27, 2023

Portico Darwin: The Rolling Stones, Via Their Comeback Albums

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 2 Minute Read Tomorrow would have been the 81st birthday of Brian Jones, one of the founding members of The Rolling Stones; he died in 1969. (It's also the first day of Rodeo here in Houston, but more on that soon.) When I noticed his birthday coming up, I broke out a beautiful TASCHEN coffee table book we are proud t...
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February 24, 2023

Portico Darwin: Depart SF + I Did Not Produce This

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS 3 Minute Read Editor's Note: tomorrow we depart for 8 nights in Houston, where we will be attending the extraordinary Livestock Show & Rodeo as the guests of the future highriser Dr. Shelly Murphy. So to make it easy on myself, essentially every word that follows and all of the images were created by the artificial in...
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February 22, 2023

Portico Darwin: What It's Like Not Being Seen

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS <3 Minute Read As I've worked to understand the dynamics of identity politics, one thing that is obvious is the reasonable desire for people heretofore ignored (or worse) by society to be heard. And (although I hate this Wokistan term) seen. I believe that is a major reason people have taken to deeming themselves quee...
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