Alex Medick

Dad, Entrepreneur // Building INSIDE

March 12, 2022

How To Add Your HEY World Newsletter To Your Website

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're a user of HEY email. Welcome to the club! HEY, from the rad people at Basecamp, is a great email service that actually makes your inbox calm. A calm inbox? Yeah, I know. It sounds insane. But it can happen. After using HEY, it's hard to go back to other email services. Life just isn'...
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March 12, 2022

Digital Privacy Doesn’t Mean You have Something To Hide

The other day, I sent someone a link to talk me on Signal, my most used chat app. They responded with, “Nothing I’m saying is secret. Do you mind if we text instead?” That really made me stop and think about what digital privacy actually means. Is digital privacy only for the discreet and those with something to hide? Or is it somethin...
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March 10, 2022

What's got my attention this week... #003

Hey All - It's time for another edition of, What's Got My Attention This Week. I send this out 2x a month sharing things I'm currently into. Heck, maybe you'll want to check them out too. Before I begin though, I want to talk about shifting newsletter platforms. I'm moving away from using Revue and starting to use HEY as my newsletter ...
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February 21, 2022

Email Marketing Tactics For 2022

The other week I gave a presentation to an awesome crowd of 600+ digital marketers at an INSIDE.COM event. The conversation on the whole was about implementing effective digital marketing tactics in a post iOS 14 world. For my segment, I chose to speak about effective email marketing tactics – which I feel is incredibly important since...
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January 21, 2022

WTF Is A Full-Stack Marketer?

A friend of mine recently asked what exactly it is I do for a living. Instead of running through the laundry list of the entrepreneurial adventures I’m on, I thought I’d shorten it and just say, “I’m a full-stack marketer and investor.” Clean. Simple. Short. Little did I know that would leave more questions that answers for my friend. ...
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January 12, 2022

Is This The Future Of Work? (I Think It Is)

As I watch trends and conversations happen among the tech community online, I can't help but start to map out what I think the future of work will look like. Here are 5 trends that I see on the horizon. 0. Distributed Work Offices be damned. Since the pandemic, we've jump started the life of remote/distributed work. At first is was rou...
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December 29, 2021

My Daily Routine (Updated For 2022)

If you know me, I've always had a pretty rigid schedule. For a while there, I had a routine optimized and was really maximizing my performance. But then something insane happened. Something absurd. Something completely bananas... My wife and I went off and had another kid. And do you know what having kids means? Your entire schedule is...
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December 29, 2021

Hey Marketers, Don't Be Afraid To Fail

Hey Marketers - Don't be afraid to fail. Do you know what the GrowthHackers slogan is? It's "A Culture of Experimentation." I love that slogan. It perfectly embodies what our careers are all about. And that's exactly what modern day growth marketing is. Experimentation. Do you know what happens with experiments? A lot of experiments fa...
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December 29, 2021

Let's Do This 2022!

Here we are, staring 2022 right in the face. Once again, a new year is upon us. Why is a new year so significant? Why does it always feel like a fresh start? Maybe it's because it feels like a little victory - we made it another year. And hell, we should celebrate every little win we can get to keep us motivated and moving forward. Lik...
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December 29, 2021

Discovering My Zone of Genius

Recently, I've been diving into the the 4 Zones of Being. It's been a total trip to go down this rabbit hole, look inwards, and discovering what is my "Zone of Genius." After a few practices and internal discovery, I think I've really narrowed down what gives me zen and energizes me at work and life though. First off, what the hell are...
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December 22, 2021

What's In My Bag (Tech & Apps I Dig), 2021 Edition

Okay, so this blog post is inspired by Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Automattic, who posts his most loved tech of the year. I thought the concept was great and wanted to make this an annual tradition for myself. I'm going to keep this to apps I use personally and not include my work tech stack. If you want to know what I'm using for work, ema...
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December 20, 2021


Let’s talk about meditation and how it’s changed my life. I know, I know – That sounds insanely cliche. But hell, it’s true! Why did I start meditating? Good question. Let’s see… I have ADD, a slight anger issue, and a wee bit of depression. I have 2 modes really. Mode 1 is I am energized, creative, going full-steam and pumped. Or ther...
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December 16, 2021

My 2021 Reading List

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Visitors from Outer space and beyond. Drum roll please… 🥁🥁🥁 It’s time for my annual reading list. Hooray! Okay, I didn’t read as many books as I normally do in 2021, but hell, I had a baby. So cut me some slack! Anyway, here are the books I read in 2021. Honestly, they were all amazing. I’ll tell y...
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December 8, 2021

My 5 Public Investing Tips

Today is December 3, 2021 and, well, the public markets went absolutely apeshit. I opened up my Robinhood account and saw red across the board. And not just a little red. All the red. As always, the next thing I did was open Twitter to see what the word on the street was and I came across this tweet from Chris Sacca. This tweet made me...
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December 8, 2021

My 2022 Intentions and Aspirations

About two years ago, I read that new years resolutions are bullshit. Why? Because they are mostly empty goals that we give ourselves and we break them within 60 days. Why would you start off the new year with a broken promise to yourself? Instead of resolutions, you should try intentions and aspirations. The fundamental difference is t...
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August 25, 2021

ICYMI: A Growth Marketing Jam Session with

Hey all – In case you missed it, yesterday (Aug 24, 2021), I was the host of's Growth Marketing Jam Session. Our two guest speakers were Craig Zingerline and Jen Bryan from Growth University. It was a 60 minute jam-packed session filled with amazing insights ranging from data and measurement, to digital ad optimization. We r...
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August 15, 2021

20 Lessons from Blake Mycoskie

I've been a fan of TOMS shoes for quite some time now. I actually have a bit of a staple daily uniform: white t-shirt, Levis jeans, and TOMS shoes. It's been that way for about 7 or 8 years I guess. Why do I have a staple uniform? Well, that's another blog post. But for this, I want to focus on the TOMS founder, Blake Mycoskie. He's be...
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August 3, 2021

You have to keep moving forward.

You won't want to conquer every day. But no matter what, you have to keep moving forward. One of the hardest things that I deal with is not being able to slow down. Somedays I'm incredibly tired. Somedays I'm unmotivated. Somedays I'm uninspired. Somedays I don't want to sell anything or collaborate with anyone. When this happens, this...
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July 31, 2021

My Favorite FinTech Tools

Yep, there's an app for everything. Especially in the FinTech world. While I'm not a financial advisor, I'd like to share my favorite FinTech tools that I definitely believe you should check out. Ready? PS - Links for Wealthfront, CashApp, Robinhood, and Acorns are referral links. I want to be up front about that so you don't think I'm...
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July 30, 2021

10 Skills You Need To Become A Full-Stack Marketer

Hey world - It's been a while since I've written an actual post on marketing, so here's one I wrote late last night. Enjoy ✌ So you want to become a full-stack marketer? Hell yes! I fully back this. It is something I truly love and think that if the below skills interest you, you might just fall in love with it too. Here are the 10 ski...
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July 28, 2021

Take the win.

Recently, I was really struggling with a marketing campaign. The numbers weren't hitting anywhere near where I wanted. The cost for conversion was too high and I was getting extremely frustrated not hitting my goal. People told me the results were solid, but I wasn't accepting that. Not to bore you with the details, but I ended up trou...
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July 25, 2021

My office, as featured in

Recently, Ryan Gilbert from reached out to me asking about my desk / office. I took a few pics and this is what they posted today. You can see the original article here. Thanks for sharing Workspaces team! --- Alex Medick is the Chief Marketing Officer at and occasional investor. brings the latest i...
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July 20, 2021

It was a choice.

You didn't slip up, it was a choice. Too many excuses are allowed these days. It was a slip up. I made a mistake. I didn't mean to. Stop making excuses. You made a bad choice. And that's okay. Life happens. We all make choices that we regret - some big, some small. No matter the size, don't make an excuse. You made a choice. And tomorr...
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June 26, 2021

It’s okay to say ‘no’

It’s okay to say no to things. It’s okay to say no to that extra website design job. It’s okay to say no to that marketing consulting gig. It’s okay to say no to that last meeting of the day. It’s okay to say no to responding to texts right away. Say no to the stuff that is bogging you down and say yes to giving yourself room to breath...
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June 26, 2021


Hey World - If there’s one common theme I’ve heard over and over and over again from successful individuals that I admire, it’s that they all had a relentless focus in whatever they are pursuing. That brings me to an acronym someone once shared that I remind myself of daily. “FOCUS: Following One Course Until Success” I suffer greatly ...
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April 24, 2021

So, it's almost May?

Hey all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog. The time gap had nothing to do with lack of things to say. Ask anyone, I won’t shut the hell up about anything and everything that captures my interest. But, well, I’ve been busy. I’m working on Inside 3.0, which is SUPER awesome. I’m incredibly grateful to be able help develop a new...
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April 5, 2021

These two quotes struck a chord.

Today, I read Naval's "How To Win At Life... Without Getting Lucky". Two of the 8 bullet points really struck a chord with me, so I decided to share them with the HEY World. • Forty-hour workweeks are a relic of the Industrial Age. Today, it's best to function like an athlete - train and sprint, then rest and reassess. • The modern min...
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March 23, 2021

8 Simple Steps to Achieve Hyper-Focus

I'm a continuous self-improver and life experimenter. Some might say, "that's awesome! I I wish I had that determination!" It drives me wild when people say that, because I see it differently. To get real for a moment, I have a constant fear of not being good enough - I'm sure some psychologist would try and bring that back to my child...
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March 15, 2021

My Daily Routine For The Next 7 Days

Hi, I'm Alex and I'm a workaholic. I don't mean that to sound crazy, but I love working and well, I'm a little concerned that I might be working too much. From the second I open my eyes to the moment I close them, I'm checking emails, responding to requests, getting out of bed to do just one more thing, making myself a 24/7 on call wor...
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March 10, 2021

My Tech Stack, 2021 Edition

It's that time of year again where I share my latest tech stack. If you know me, you know that I LOVE testing out the latest and greatest tech. Below you'll see what tech I personally use for consulting (and in life), along with what we use at as our primary daily stack. My Personal Tech Stack (the main stuff...) • HEY • Sim...
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