Dean Clough

May 9, 2022

Portico Darwin: Go Out & Shop!

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS First, in honor of yesterday being Mother's Day, I hope you'll check in on the red tail hawk nest in The Presidio. The chicks get bigger every day, and what a privilege it is to witness these amazing animals in nature. Next: when the going gets tough (like now), a good American goes shopping! So, in light of my last t...
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May 6, 2022

Portico Darwin: Woke vs. Wokistan vs. Fox News/MAGA/Trump Enablers

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Why do some (OK, Republicans) say the biggest problem in America is the progress we've made? Or, as some have decided to call it: being "woke"? But what does woke mean? As recently as 5 years ago, a mentee (now a friend) called me that as a compliment, after I said something like "Until one acknowledges the harm thing...
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May 4, 2022

Portico Darwin: Roe v. Wade

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Well, I had a typically wonderful blog all ready to roll for today - there was even a chart! You'll have to wait until Friday. Because, as I'm sure you've heard, the US Supreme Court looks poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, which has stood on the books for nearly 50 years. Shocker, but I have opinions of my own on the ma...
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May 2, 2022

Portico Darwin: Very Goofy

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS This whole go-after-Disney thing in Florida is bat-shit crazy - even by Florida standards. Here's why, in just two data points: 1. Corporations (rightly or wrongly) are treated as individuals in the US 2. As such, they are entitled to freedom of speech and freedom of expression Those items are not debatable. Therefore...
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April 29, 2022

Portico Darwin: Building Blocks

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Two consecutive blogs with no politics or get off my lawn rants? Yes, it's true. You're welcome. Today, I will tell a fun, small-world story. If you ever take the several hours/days/weeks it takes to read my thrilling monograph about entrepreneurship, you'll learn that a big accelerant in my career trajectory was the ...
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April 27, 2022

Portico Darwin: In Praise of The Station Wagon

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I often fret about being too political here too often, and also, unintentionally fomenting (among my thousands of readers) the division in the US that I want so very much to end. But it comes from caring and frankly, just not understanding what is happening around me. Mea culpa, but what to do? I know: how about a min...
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April 25, 2022

Portico Darwin: How Low?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS (Editor's Note: from now until the end of the war, each blog post will lead with the Ukrainian flag, a reminder that there is an active war in Europe, due to an unprovoked, unwarranted and inhuman attack by Russia. Russia must stop the war crimes and withdraw immediately. Putin should be tried in The Hague and execute...
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April 22, 2022

Portico Darwin: On Masculinity, Toxic and Otherwise

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Where they cook up this shit, I don't know, but I've been giggling incessantly - like a little girl - ever since some leading Republican voices have decided that a MAJOR problem in America is that well, men just can't be men any longer. Masculinity is under attack! And you were worried about Ukraine? There was Josh Ha...
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April 20, 2022

Portico Darwin: Behind The Lines

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS In my never-ending quest for relevance in retirement, I'm always looking for ways to channel my energy in to something positive. This blog and are one example. I also virtue signal via my volunteer efforts: I am currently with Veterans Launching Ventures. And I walk 5 miles in The Presidio just about...
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April 18, 2022

Portico Darwin: City Boy

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS MAJOR NEWS FLASH: The red tail hawk chicks have hatched!!! If you watch the live stream for any period of time, you'll see the little guys! And if you really want to get emotional, not to mention completely blown away, watch this 8 minute clip of one hatching, while the other is being fed. We now return you to our reg...
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April 15, 2022

Portico Darwin: Friday Grab Bag

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's So Gay Longtime readers will know I occasionally shut up (shocker - for real) and turn the controls over to someone much smarter than I. And in this case, much more conservative. Here is a great essay by Ross Douthat on the current LGBT hubbub. Here is a link to a PDF if you hit a paywall. This is a superb summar...
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April 13, 2022

Portico Darwin: Being Right vs. Being Effective

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Today is an aspirational post, and it's personal. But at least it's pretty long! Ever since my departure from TEECOM, I've been working on a few things: • Getting over my departure from TEECOM (!) • Staying relevant in retirement • Letting go of family baggage • Reducing my political and social pontificating, at least...
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April 12, 2022

Portico Darwin: Oceanside Micro Travel Guide

OVERVIEW With this, I am starting a new Travel Guide flavor, the Micro Travel Guide. These will cover shorter, less dramatic trips - yet ones that are still worthy of a serious mention, and also a place you might just want to check out. Like Oceanside, CA. Our visit was personal in nature - that being, meeting the new son of some close...
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April 11, 2022

Portico Darwin: Depart Oceanside + Today's Rant About Republicans

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I'll be publishing a micro Travel Guide for Oceanside soon. Until then, you've got to see the baby! If you've read this blog even once or twice, you know that I have concerns (OK, grave concerns) about our future. There's the climate crisis. Wealth inequality. Justice inequality. Inflation. Education. Our woeful infra...
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April 8, 2022

Portico Darwin: Arrive Oceanside + Greed Is Not Good

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS This (kind of) just in: major congrats to Ketanji Brown Jackson for her appointment to the Supreme Court. Shame on the 47 Republican Senators who did not vote for this eminently qualified individual; what a disgrace and history will not forget their unjustified disrespect. A friendly reminder that Antonin Scalia was c...
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April 6, 2022

Portico Darwin: Born, Not Groomed

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS As I get my feet back on the ground here in SF, today's post is short (OK, for me) but not on a sweet subject. I lament the signing by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last week of the infamous "Don't Say Gay" bill. The bill prohibits teachers from discussing the sexuality or gender identity of children before the 4th gr...
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April 4, 2022

Portico Darwin: Depart Tupper Lake + Almost 2 Years On . . .

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS In a mountain getaway made unusual by both a touch o' the virus and also the surprise guest appearance of the Manor's namesake, I wrapped it with a great weekend, including a sweet visit to Lake Placid yesterday for lunch. Thank you to Dr. Shelly Murphy for opening up the Manor to me, and what a blast being able to ha...
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April 1, 2022

Portico Darwin: Friday Grab Bag

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Now fully recovered from my time with our friend COVID-19, I give you some random thoughts that came to mind during my quarantine this week in the High Peaks of The Adirondacks. COVID-19 and Me My bout with the virus was not too bad. In fact, if you're going to come down with COVID-19, I encourage you to do it while i...
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March 30, 2022

Portico Darwin: It's Just Steven and Me Now

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Shocker, but being here on the East Coast makes me nostalgic. But having COVID-19 and being quarantined at Murphy Manor all this week has given me some extra time to go on and on even more than normal! I mean like holy shit on and on. Here, in a blog post nobody (and I mean nobody) is asking for, is the story of the b...
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March 28, 2022

Portico Darwin: Taylor Hawkins, 1972 - 2022

No humor this morning. I, as were many, was shocked to hear of the death of Taylor Hawkins, drummer for Foo Fighters. What a tremendous loss. The outpouring of grief from many quarters tells you all you need to know about him. Foo Fighters have, since their beginning as Dave Grohl's solo project in the wake of another, earlier, tragedy...
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March 25, 2022

Portico Darwin: If I Could Turn Back Time

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Sure, many would expect carefree blog posts, what with me visiting the High Peaks of The Adirondack Mountains for the next 11 days. Sorry to disappoint you, but you may be able to relate. Because more and more, I am hearing my closest friends say this or something similar: stop the world I want to get off. I certainly...
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March 23, 2022

Portico Darwin: Arrival Tupper Lake + Supreme Beings

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS (Editor's Note: Better late than never). OMFG the ties are really non-existent now (especially with Jay Howling going full-on cult, but more on that in a later post), but I'll be damned if I don't always enjoy blowing in to my hometown of Albany, New York. I always do the same things - drive by the house in which I gr...
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March 21, 2022

Portico Darwin: Sunshine and Rainbows

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS In this grim (but miraculously mostly unified) world, let's look at how the catastrophe in Ukraine could end positively. While the horrific slaughter of Ukrainian civilians can never be corrected or forgotten, this could all end OK - hear me out. As I've said once or twice before, you've got to dream it before you can...
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March 18, 2022

Portico Darwin: How to Help Ukraine Directly

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS No clever post today. Instead, I am asking anyone that is reading this to send whatever they can to Ukraine. As is nearly everyone, I continue to be extremely impressed by the leadership we've seen from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. His speech to Congress on Wednesday was powerful, as is his country's amazi...
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March 16, 2022

Portico Darwin: Polar Ice Caps

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It was just a short two years ago today (exactly) that I heard Mayor London Breed on my car's radio, ordering all businesses to close immediately, due to this new thing called Covid-19. At the time, I was literally pulling in to Joe's of Westlake for a daytime piss-up with fellow retiree Arthur. I remember being turne...
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March 14, 2022

Portico Darwin: Cuts to The Chase

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS To welcome you to Monday, I will shock you with now two consecutive non-political, non-old man whining posts. Last Friday, it was USB charging nirvana, and today, I will share with you my first experience Saturday at SF's spectacular Chase Center. I was the guest of the very kind Andre Aurich at the Golden State Warri...
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March 11, 2022

Portico Darwin: It's Been a Year (+ a Week)

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS (Editor's Note: yes, I am aware there is a war taking place, an awful war. I'm sure I'll write more about it and I mean no disrespect to the entire situation by the trivial subject matter today or at any time in the future. What a fucking disaster for the Ukrainians and the world.) To those of you that imagine my self...
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March 9, 2022

Portico Darwin: Seamus Colonnity Drops By

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Today, I will try to divert our attention at least for a few minutes from the all-too-real horrors of Ukraine with a visit from the (thankfully all-too-fake) conservative pundit, Seamus Colonnity. For those not paying close attention to this newsletter, Mr. Colonnity is an occasional visitor here, borrowed from Christ...
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March 7, 2022

Portico Darwin: Texas Trans Step

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS In a switch sure to disappoint many, there will be no proper Travel Guide for our trip to Houston, which ended yesterday with a nice flight home in the big, beautiful Polaris seats United has on their refurbished widebody planes. Because sadly, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to duplicate our experience in ...
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March 4, 2022

Portico Darwin: Arrive Houston + NFTs and Me

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS We flew in for what can only be described as a Texas-sized event, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It is 28 days, and each day is like a Super Bowl. Do some poking around at their website if you don't believe that. Plus, being in the warm embrace of my cousin Dr. Shelly Murphy (who disguises herself as Kelly J. L...
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