Dean Clough

December 29, 2021

Portico Darwin: This Is The End of Baseball

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS If you think I've written dark and foreboding newsletters in the past, this will top them all. That's because today, I am declaring baseball dead. Sure, there may be some sort of agreement hammered out to settle the current lock-out by the team owners, and there may be games for a few more years. But the days of baseb...
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December 27, 2021

Portico Darwin: Exit LA + I'm Still Here

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS No doubt you've been worried, but rest assured we've been luxuriating and dedicating ourselves to decadence. There will be a full Travel Guide published soon, but for now, here is a tidbit from our Christmas holiday in Los Angeles. This was after lunch yesterday at The Getty Center. There is nothing beyond Diamond Cer...
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December 26, 2021

Portico Darwin: 2021 Darwin Award Winners Special Edition

Without further ado and in response to the clamoring from so very many, here's who will be taking home a Portico on January 8th. A reminder that the winner must be present to claim their award - if a winner is not present, I will arbitrarily assign their Portico elsewhere. But who wouldn't show? Airbnb, Etc. Of The Year Nominees • Cove...
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December 24, 2021

Portico Darwin: Arrival LA + Santa Claudiophile

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I know: two newsletters on audio gear within just a week or two is a bit much. Of course, you could always go outside or volunteer to help sick children. But we leave for LA later today for 3 nights, so I had to keep it easy. In fact, I am being responsible, and recycling. Because a recent outing with the esteemed bre...
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December 22, 2021

Portico Darwin: Huntley/Brinkley Didn't Joke Around

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS You can file this under "Portico Darwin is doing his Jerry Seinfeld thing again". Or, "What a Scrooge!". Because today, I will rant about people being too nice and too friendly. In other words, they're on my lawn again. Specifically: enough with every TV chat show implying that everyone on it are real PALS, and just h...
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December 20, 2021

Portico Darwin: Writers Write

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's Monday, and I am recovering nicely from a wonderful holiday party at the home of Emery and Nib Riddle. Thanks, guys - great job - it was very festive and oh, those gin fizzes. Today will be a touch on the serious side, but not in a dark way. If you're reading this, it's probably obvious by now that I enjoy writin...
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December 17, 2021

Portico Darwin: Color Me Tired of Color

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Happy Friday. In what could be my single most useless newsletter ever (and that's definitely saying something), today I take the time to note a troubling trend. The trend is that every commercial now seems to feature someone wearing a shirt or shoes that match the color of the sponsor's logo. I will start with the com...
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December 15, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Definitive Christmas Movie List

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS My predilection for lists knows no bounds, and that doesn't change during the holidays. Here are the Christmas movies we watch each year, in roughly my order of preference. Nightmare Before Christmas Although it's more of a Halloween movie, we still like to kick off the season with this one, especially Julie. Has anyo...
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December 13, 2021

Portico Darwin: Health & Conservatism & Brian Williams

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Last Friday's epic post on music streaming and music hardware took a lot out of me. Probably you, too. So Happy Monday and Happy Mostly No Portico Darwin Writing Day. I will say that I'm not sure I've ever seen a more exciting finish to a sporting event than yesterday's conclusion to the Formula 1 race in Abu Dhabi. W...
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December 10, 2021

Portico Darwin: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About KLUF . . .

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS . . . but didn't think you'd ever be bored enough to ask. Warning: this is one of my insanely long (but very informative!) newsletters. Like "Julie, is he OK?" long. Not to worry: it is on a subject that was once a hobby, then a profession, and now a hobby again. If you're not a music person, you can safely skip this ...
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December 8, 2021

Portico Darwin: No Laughing Matter

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Today, I give you the brilliant Heather Cox Richardson. Dr. Richardson is an acknowledged expert on American history; I am not. “Senate Republicans will not issue any sort of a platform before next year’s midterm elections. At a meeting of donors and lawmakers in mid-November, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R...
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December 6, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Dinosaur Awakens

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Happy Monday. Should we all be dusting off our copies of the ultimate Stephen King novel "The Stand"? Sadly, "It's not over until it's over" never felt more real? On that note, I just got a booster vaccine dose last Wednesday, Julie gets hers this Wednesday, and I sure hope you're getting yours. Here is the CDC's guid...
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December 3, 2021

Portico Darwin: Now Arriving at Central Station

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's not all rock bands and parties. Today, I'm going to stake out middle ground on the headlines. I've included links to some supporting information for those of you that would like to go deeper. (I've probably touched on one or more of these in other writings. My apologies. Of course, you could always be reading som...
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December 2, 2021

Portico Darwin: You're Invited to The 2021 Darwin Awards!

You are cordially invited to this year's 2021 Darwin Awards! Seriously! You simply won't want to miss how little of the party (none of it!) will have anything whatsoever to do with me or this newsletter! The 2021 Darwin Awards and the Portico private jet statuettes that go to the winners are simply a figment of my overly vivid imaginat...
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December 1, 2021

Portico Darwin: Just Let It Be Already

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS First I dump on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame show, and now I slam The Beatles? Over the recent Thanksgiving holiday weekend, we screened the just Serviceable The Beatles "Get Back" documentary in its entirety. Yeah, all 8 hours of latter-day Liverpudlian lad glory. But was it actually glorious? Well, there is nothin...
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November 29, 2021

Portico Darwin: Don't Tell My Wife

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Here's another entry in the occasional series I call "Plans No One Asked For". Previously, I featured lists of the real National Parks of the Eastern US, and also my ideas for the ultimate travel year. Not to mention my commuter rail plans for that vital Albuquerque - Santa Fe passenger train corridor. Today, I give y...
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November 26, 2021

Portico Darwin: Rock and Roll Hall of Same

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS As we luxuriate in the grip of America's favorite holiday weekend of the year, I will reflect on the latest entry in the lengthy canon of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremonies. HBO recently telecast a recording of the event, held in late October in Cleveland, which we screened earlier this week. Let me say r...
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November 24, 2021

Portico Darwin: Introducing Seamus Colonnity

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS As I mentioned Monday, my dear friend Steven Simon - we go back to the 6th grade and grew up together in Albany - asked that I don my MAGA hat, and address the Culture War topics I raised recently, from that perspective. And not be nasty or sarcastic doing so. Wow - not easy! So, for inspiration, I turned to my copy o...
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November 22, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Shortest Post Ever

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Enjoy your Monday, completely free of my opinions, apart from the fact that SF is gorgeous, the debacle at Union Square over the weekend notwithstanding. I just love this photo, which I took last week in The Presidio. FROM THE UNWASHED MASSES One reason for the brevity of today's post is that I am hard at work on resp...
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November 19, 2021

Portico Darwin: It's Cultured

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Said no one: "Portico, would you be so kind as to comment upon the raging Culture War in America?" My pleasure, and thanks for asking. And "Culture War" is so much nicer-sounding than "Civil War"! I often point out that there's a dearth of policy ideas coming from what is currently the Republican party. Instead, they ...
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November 17, 2021

Portico Darwin: 2021 Darwin Award Nominations

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS From the serious to the ridiculous. Today, we'll turn away from my usual sturm und drang regarding our country's state of affairs and steer towards the fun and the light. Very fun and very light because it can't be much more of either when the topic is the 2021 Darwin Awards. Here are the people, places and things vyi...
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November 15, 2021

Portico Darwin: Don't Get Violent

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I really wanted to kick off Monday with a cheery, fun newsletter about a light topic. But no. First was Bill Maher on his show on Friday night chatting up the story that the 13 House Republicans that voted for the recent infrastructure bill have each received death threats. Over an infrastructure bill that will benefi...
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November 12, 2021

Portico Darwin: It's Both of Us, Kind Of

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It dawned on me that the USA and its sorry state is all of our faults. After a recent post, where I asked what Republicans are so afraid of, I realized if you replace "Electoral College" with "Elite Universities" and "Multinational Corporations" with "Big Media", we're both afraid of the same things. That is, we're af...
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November 10, 2021

Portico Darwin: Houston, We Have a Problem

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS This is a good time for me to let others do the talking. I may or may not explain why later. This is a stunning video from The New York Times regarding states where Democrats control the legislative and executive branches. It's not pretty, but I hope you'll watch, if for no other reason than to dispel the notion that ...
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November 8, 2021

Portico Darwin: Why So Angry?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's great to be back home in SF. But it will be a while before we forget about Santa Fe and the special time we had there. Big thanks again go to Arthur and Mrs. Crup, and to Elizabeth "Polly" Michaels and Primo Harvey, PhD., for joining us. I will now take the cold plunge back in to reality. As I watch Trump support...
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November 7, 2021

Portico Darwin: Santa Fe Travel Guide

Most people either understand why Santa Fe is a big deal, or they don't. Put me in the former camp, and maybe this Travel Guide will inform the latter. My experience in Santa Fe dates to the mid-1980's, when Arthur and I would pretend to be grown-ups and come down from Boulder to party. That was then but this is now, and this is a Trav...
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November 5, 2021

Portico Darwin: Exit Santa Fe + The Ultimate Travel Year

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Newsflash: the legendary Giants catcher Buster Posey has announced his retirement. I literally get choked-up when I think of all of the memories this great man conjures. Like in 2010 when, as a rookie, he replaced the seasoned catcher Bengie Molina and led them to their first World Series championship in SF. Or The Bu...
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November 3, 2021

Portico Darwin: I've Been Working On The Railroad

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS What a wonderful visit from our great friends Elizabeth "Polly" Michaels and Primo Harvey, PhD. Thank you for the proverbial cherry on top of an amazing 3 weeks. Much love and we can't wait to see that Killer painting in its final location! But of course, even in this idyllic Land of Enchantment and surrounded by my w...
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November 1, 2021

Portico Darwin: Let The Art Do The Talking

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I want to start by thanking Arthur and Mrs. Crup for joining us here in Santa Fe for an excellent 3 nights. We didn't do it all, but almost. They left mid-day Friday and headed to Taos to hang with Julia Roberts. We had an incredible weekend, and it ended in a magical fashion. The weather is breathtakingly perfect and...
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October 29, 2021

Portico Darwin: The Filibuster is Eating Democracy

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS What with Arthur and Mrs. Crup in town, it's a miracle I could find the time or sobriety to write this, but I did (or at least I'm telling myself that). The lovely Mrs. Crup has, as always, exquisite taste in clothing. Although I cannot take credit for much of today's post: I borrowed a lot of it from Joe Scarborough'...
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