
April 4, 2022

space is the place (1974)

Seeing this movie was a long time coming, and I finally had the good fortune to see it on the *big screen* at Film Forum. I was aware of Sun Ra and had seen images from the film before. And, based off of these images/references I had seen before, I thought Space is the Place was mainly known for being a fun, shiny, imaginative, and vis...
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March 28, 2022

kwee’s week in photos

Isle of Dogs Baby’s first train ride NY street style: Stella, ring bearer at her peoples’ wedding The piglet + Dominique March birthday bonanza madness HBD Taylor Han PETER !!!!!! 🏹 🎯 🎈 Misc. ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ (⌐■_■) o(*°▽°*)o And sometimes y Georgina Gratrix, "Shape Shifter/Princess" 2019
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March 21, 2022

On juries, fact-finding, truth

For absolutely no reason at all (see addenda at bottom), I found myself with a lot of time this week to reflect on courtrooms, trials, juries, judges, prosecutors, attorneys, evidence, arguments. Some of what came to mind: Exhibit A: Rashomon a famous sequence from Rashomon, the camera is moving along the forest floor pointed directly ...
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March 7, 2022

kwee’s weeks in photos

This flavor is no longer as of this week 😭, but I’ve been obsessed with the Van Leeuwen Blue Jasmine winter seasonal flavor ~*laundry*~ •{a never ENDING cycle}• Sleeping pets all the way down I participated in a panel conversation this week… …And was nervous, so Peter wore matching socks in solidarity 🥺😭🧦 Can’t ever get the damn dog to...
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February 28, 2022

the week in tweet threads

There was so much reporting and analysis this week on what's happening in Ukraine. I didn't (and still don't) know the history and geopolitics surrounding the crisis, but turned to Twitter, my favorite firehose of information, to try and begin parsing the conflict through the lens of commentators I trust (or are trusted by those I trus...
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February 21, 2022


This week marks 5 years with this one: 5 years of living laughing loving For Valentine's, we saw The Lady Eve (1941), which was an absolute laugh-a-minute riot. The movie’s highlight is an absurd, comic-romantic scene involving a proposal and a horse that just wants to hang: And for our anniv, we took in Da...
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February 14, 2022

10 lessons from the first 3 weeks of pup

The first 3 weeks of baby dog have been...a lot !! We're lucky to have a puppy that is curious, engaged, observant, smart, personable; the flipside is Ziggy requires huge amounts of attention, touch, entertainment, engagement, and challenge. We've heard a lot of advice around "a tired dog is a happy dog", and I want to scream, do you h...
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February 7, 2022

🐅 🐅 🐅 Happy year of the tiger 🐯 To ring in the lunar new year, we made and really enjoyed this very(!) spicy recipe:
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January 31, 2022

hellraiser (1987)

“This is a movie without wit, style or reason, and the true horror is that actors were made to portray, and technicians to realize, its bankruptcy of imagination.” - from a 1987 Roger Ebert review I wish I was living in whatever phantasmagoria Roger Ebert was living in 1987, because my mind is boggled by his assessment. I found Hellrai...
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January 24, 2022

ziggy + a bday 🎉

New puppy alert: Say hello to our new tiny little terror: Ziggy The Pekingese dog breed were said to be lions turned into dogs by the Buddha, so just in time for Chinese New Year: a little lion 🦁 for the year of the tiger 🐯 Ziggy is actually only his nickname; his full name is Amazing Larry. Here’s a glimpse we get of a rainbow-mohawke...
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January 10, 2022

vollis simpson's windmills

if you ever happen to be passing through Wilson, North Carolina, make sure to stop for a beat at the Vollis Simpson Whirligig Park (though Simpson preferred to call the pieces windmills 🌬) Vollis Simpson's Whirligigs were designated the official folk art of North Carolina in 2013 ✨ This park was such a special space, a sanctuary of joy...
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January 3, 2022

some dream things

mood: The Cranberries' Dreams My high school French teacher was the most glamorous, passionate, unsparing, and intense person I've ever known (and I realize now has been the template for a lot of how I try to be in the world). Among the things I remember about her: • She wore a different fragrance for each season; • When we studied a p...
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December 27, 2021

Keep Christmas with you /

All through the year / When Christmas is over / You can keep it near wishing that you and yours have the Happiest Holidays and a Happy New Year \( ̄︶ ̄*\)). And wishing that anyone whose holiday plans were disrupted has an opportunity to honor whatever about the holidays feels special to you at a safer, better time our deco of late sleep...
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December 20, 2021

~*favorite recipes of 2021*~

Here were the recipes that I kept returning to over and over this year: they were tasty, easy, felt good in the body, made leftovers I could get excited about... (╹ڡ╹ )(╹ڡ╹ ) That Spicy Chick's Sundried Tomato Pesto Pasta with Cajun Chicken We initially found this re...
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December 9, 2021

OOTD + supporting indie film

every day is halloween I put on an outfit this morning that I thought was a feelin-myself, fun-girl, girl-about-town look. Black long-sleeve shirt, gold chain, blue jeans—pretty standard stuff?? But then halfway through the day Peter innocently asked to take a picture of me and it turned out I was just cosplaying the one, the only, ⛰th...
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November 29, 2021

book wishlist

I'm beginning to have a moderate Tsundoku/book-hoarding problem, so I've decided to *stop* buying books willy-nilly and to *start* a book wishlist (side note: isn't it too bad Indiebound discontinued their wishlist feature?). From here on out, I can work my way through my book wishlist only after I've really read my way through my pile...
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November 22, 2021


got the boost, get the boost! ———————— Boosting this video (that you've probably seen): ———————— a sleepytime boost: Recently, on nights where I haven't dropped off to sleep immediately, I've been run...
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November 15, 2021

a fly on the wall

Does everyone wish as badly as I do that they could be a fly on a wall to everything, all the time?? Maybe not everything, but there are so many closed doors that I'd like to know what it's like behind, so many dynamics I would never be privvy to that I'd like to see for myself, so many dynamics that I am privvy to that I'd be curious ...
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November 8, 2021


a documentary that had been on my list for around 10 years, I finally found my way to it recently. A complex portrait of the brilliant and problematic artist R. Crumb: Robert Crumb aka R. Crumb, a cartoonist most active and known for his work in the '60s and '70s. A documentary made by Terry Zwigoff over the course of a reportedly angu...
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November 1, 2021


One of my silly Halloween costume ideas a couple years ago was Ghost the Direwolf from Game of Thrones. I took a picture of what that costume would be, basically just a big fur coat, and promptly forgot about it. In December 2020, I got a notification from the Apple Photo app that an automatic complication of “Fluffy Friends” from 2019...
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October 25, 2021

something’s fishy

and it’s my new lil friend, Fionnuala: a dragon scale male betta fish Fionnuala is a traditional Irish name, sometimes spelled Finnguala/Fionnghuala and pronounced Fin-oo-lah. ((Although this choir seems to pronounce it Finn-ah-gah-wala. Open for an Irish language treat if you're not familiar with the language)). Literal meaning: "whit...
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October 18, 2021

kwee’s weeks in photos

back in my old world, back with a lot of former places, peoples, and things. Feeling differently, sometimes better, sometimes worse—but knowing when to leave and when to stay, and the spaces/ppl that are good for da energy ⚡ Fun fact: I used to live below Sarah, who was recently described by the New Yorker as having "a voice that could...
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October 4, 2021

LA: a wedding & Everything Now

we went to a beautiful, lovely dovely, love-filled wedding in LA last week for our dear friends Ben & Regina: all in attendance were vaccinated, we tested negative for COVID before and after the event. it felt all the more precious to be with much-loved friends after a good amount of time away. we definitely aren't making gatherings a ...
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September 27, 2021

johnny mnemonic

cult classic The term "cult classic" is thrown around a lot, and I feel like I've found the closest validation of something's cult comparing a movie's Amazon Prime Video rating with its IMDb rating: although the website description on Amazon Prime for Johnny Mnemonic (on the left) appears to be from another Keanu Re...
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September 20, 2021

kwee’s week in photos

Have you ever seen a 6-foot tall dandelion forest The most never-ending yet satisfying The pha a a a a a a ntom of the opera is there inside your mind 🥠the good kind of pithy🥠 Hbd Clio Drive-in Shang-chi Give us a kiss Chugga chugga choo choo new york is b a c k baybee Look at this happy, happy dog, just a happy happy dog . . . . . . ....
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September 13, 2021

read receipts

Read 10:50 PM Today, I was reading a lil column on one of my favorite people on the internet, Jaboukie Young-White. In the piece, he talks a bit about coded online-speak / generational grammatical etiquette, and eventually gets to *read receipts*: “Once, as a New Year’s resolution, Young-White turned on read receipts, which notify the ...
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September 6, 2021

kwee’s week in photos

holy matrimony 👰💒🤵 congrats to amanda brian ♥ Out of sight, out of mind my friend's upper-floor apartment flooded this week because of Hurricane Ida...from the roof down the central stairwell 😰. She's okay though frustrated, and temporarily displaced. we were okay in our neighborhood, but are horrified at and shaken by the chaos being ...
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August 30, 2021

Repairing your COVID-19 Vaccine record with the DOH (for NYC), an ongoing saga; updated: resolved!

How to prove you’re vaccinated for COVID-19 In NYC, you can currently prove your vaccination status in 3 ways: 1. The paper CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card that you received when you were vaccinated 2. By uploading a picture of your vaccination record card to the NYC COVID SAFE app 3. By logging in and receiving QR-code credential...
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August 23, 2021

🚗 Berkshires weekend 🚗

Last weekend we made a nice lil weekend trip to the Berkshires towns we visited: Lenox, Lee, Becket, Stockbridge, Great Barrington And on *Friday the 13th* we took in: a ghost tour at The Mount, Edith Wharton's home. It was thundering and lightning-ing, and the air had a damp heat to it. I wasn't exactly scared, but I didn't feel right...
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August 16, 2021

When Google removes your Chrome Extension from the web store...

I posted this article on Indie Hackers this week: I'm still getting a feel for "building in public" and different ways of using public online spaces to share lessons learned, ask questions, seek support, et...
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