Dean Clough

July 22, 2022

Portico Darwin: 187 Minutes And Some Want More?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Do you know how long 187 minutes is? Yes, a bit more than 3 hours, but it is also the amount of time that then-President Donald Trump did absolutely nothing on January 6, 2021. While our Capitol and elected officials and his own VP were under attack, Trump did not call anyone on his National Security team. You know, l...
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July 21, 2022

Portico Darwin: Special Wake-Up Call Edition For Democrats

Tonight's January 6th Committee hearing may be yet another nail in the coffin for Trump and his enablers. Until then, I came across a couple of items that I think merit your special attention. They provide some balance and perspective, something welcome as the drumbeat for Trump being jailed continues. First, here is the cover and lead...
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July 20, 2022

Portico Darwin: I've Been Grinding On The Railroads

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It's been a while, so how about a trip around the world to see how other countries are doing on major infrastructure projects? First, let's visit Asia and see what our Chinese friends are up to. Hint: 400 MPH trains is what they're up to. China Just Unveiled the World’s Fastest Train That means a trip from downtown Ch...
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July 18, 2022

Portico Darwin: SF Gets . . . Better?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Homeless? Everywhere. Car window smash-and-grabs? Naturally. Open-air drug markets? Of course. Yes, my beloved SF has it all. And, it's really expensive! In all seriousness, despite its flaws - and those are only some of them - SF is amongst the best cities in the world. And when you take into account its proximity to...
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July 15, 2022

Portico Darwin: The Hustling Clough(s)

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS If you spend any time around me - any time at all - it won't be long before I start going on (and on) about Casa Integration, a company I started from scratch in late 2001. Suffice to say I take a lot of pride in what I accomplished, including winning over and successfully selling to rich people. And I don't mean just...
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July 13, 2022

Portico Darwin: Jumping The Shark

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Perhaps the older among you will remember when Fonzie went water skiing on "Happy Days" and jumped over a shark? That is where the term "Jumped the Shark" originated: it is the point where something or someone goes too far. I think many today have jumped the shark. We've done so by forgetting how much of what we take ...
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July 11, 2022

Portico Darwin: Memories Monday

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS My recent recent (very) political posts garnered very little reaction. OK, zero reaction. As I always say, I really don't care: I write this blog because I love writing. And I honestly enjoy putting my near-infinite opinions and thoughts out there. You're so very welcome. But still, I know I've been pretty heavy recen...
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July 8, 2022

Portico Darwin: Dollars and Sense

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Breaking Opinion About Breaking News: how long will it take after the assassination of Japan's former prime minister Shinzo Abe for a gun cheerleader in America to say "See? They have the strictest gun laws in the world in Japan, and yet this still happened. More guns!" For the record, Japan has about 126 million peop...
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July 6, 2022

Portico Darwin: 20 Questions

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Wow. It seems like it was only a couple of weeks ago we had a mass shooting that shocked the nation. Oh. Why can't we do better? On guns or anything? Ask yourself the following questions, and consider which of our two major parties is best aligned with your own beliefs. Seriously. I will publish, without any comment o...
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July 4, 2022

Portico Darwin: Tom Hansen Would Not Have Done This

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Even when I want to keep it light for a holiday, it's difficult. Even the diversionary world of sports brings another sign of what seems our irreversible decline as a nation. Because USC and UCLA are leaving the Pac 12 conference, for the Big 10. Bogus doesn't begin to describe it. What, may you ask, would drive these...
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July 1, 2022

Portico Darwin: From Russia With Love

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Happy weekend. I guess I should say happy 4th of July weekend, but I'm just not in the mood, at least not yet. To wit: an illegitimate and corrupted Supreme Court gutting our country, now including our efforts to tackle the only problem that really matters, climate change. One-half of our political system completely o...
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June 29, 2022

Portico Darwin: Our Butterfield Moment

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Do any of you old cranks out there remember the name Alexander Butterfield? He was Cassidy Hutchinson before there was a Cassidy Hutchinson. On July 13, 1973, he revealed to a congressional committee the existence of the taping system in then-President Richard Nixon's criminal lair, A.K.A. the Oval Office. That was th...
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June 27, 2022

Portico Darwin: Courting Disaster

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS You know, at least for today, it is America that needs support. In addition to Ukraine. That is because the highest court in our country, The Supreme Court, has been compromised. We now have to face the likely reality of a biased, partisan referee - for decades. The court's radical right wing is the direct result of: ...
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June 24, 2022

Portico Darwin: Daryl and Daryl

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS We all can use a break. A break from my nearly constant political drum banging here. A break from the bottomless font of shitty news (Supreme Court: more guns are what we need! Matt Gaetz: a lifetime pardon is what I need!). So a content-free blog post is clearly in order. And it's a short post, so there's that, too. ...
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June 22, 2022

Portico Darwin: Honor, Code, Loyalty

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS This will be a short-ish blog post, because I am mostly in a state of shock having watched yesterday the highlights of the 4th hearing by the January 6 Committee. Shock again that our country came THIS close to a successful coup. And in a state of shock over people like "Senator" Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Because it a...
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June 20, 2022

Portico Darwin: Your Recession Guide!

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It was quite a weekend. After sending the lovely artist Jennifer Michaels and her studly beau - let's call him Doctor Hope - on their way after a great Thursday night visit, we moved on to Andre Aurich's 65th birthday party, held in Tiburon on Saturday. It can be rough there - I almost got hit by 6 different Range Rov...
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June 19, 2022

Portico Darwin: Special Father's Day Edition

I am thinking of the new fathers out there, specifically, Andy Jones in San Diego and Alden Michaels in Steamboat Springs. Enjoy yourselves - like my own father is here. Happy Father's Day, Andy and Alden. But also to Cardi A, Gunther Strobel, Bulleit Bob, Charles Clough, Foster Shula, Ned "Upstate" Darwin, Harrison Heinz (50th anniver...
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June 17, 2022

Portico Darwin: Yep - Another List

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Ukraine: I'm glad we're sending more weapons and money. We can't give up on them now. Like Trump's, Putin's actions must never happen again. I've created a large number of worthless lists for use here in this newsletter. But this? This could be my all-time least-useful. I don't care, because I find it interesting. Plu...
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June 15, 2022

Portico Darwin: The Plane From Fantasy Island

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS This is from my forthcoming children's book entitled Li'l Dean Goes to Washington. It is set in the very near future. “Dean was just a wee lad when his parents first took him to Washington D.C. for the summer of 2022, yet he was still old enough to be wowed by the splendor. And as he had been reading for a few years n...
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June 13, 2022

Portico Darwin: If It's On The Interwebs . . .

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS . . . than it must be true. Nothing less than Trump and his fellow traitors in leg irons will satisfy me. Oh - and there's this little tidbit. One can easily forget the appalling irony that the entire seditionary conspiracy was predicated on the lie that Democrats were doing what some Republicans actually WERE doing! ...
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June 10, 2022

Portico Darwin: It Was Jack Welch

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Elephant in Room I have expressed myself many times regarding January 6: Trump and his fellow seditionists should be jailed, at a minimum, and immediately. The evidence is already overwhelming, and that includes on people like the traitor Ginni Thomas. The Republicans must come to their senses RIGHT NOW and help us re...
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June 8, 2022

Portico Darwin: Del Boca F'ing Vista, Baby

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Thank you in advance for indulging me today. But, OK - I think this is it? October 2, 2019: Leave TEECOM November 2019 - March 13, 2020: 350+ Resumes sent; 1 job offer from LMG rejected (too much driving) March 2020 -> : Global COVID19 Pandemic October 2, 2020: Finish 2nd for dream job with The Presidio Trust October ...
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June 6, 2022

Portico Darwin: Cliches and You

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS It has been over 100 days now since Russia invaded Ukraine. This is a terrible transition. My apologies. I am trying to be more positive. Because recently, David Brooks published a column in The New York Times where he compiled some famous tips for good living, from a variety of sources. He also added a few of his own...
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June 3, 2022

Portico Darwin: The REAL Platform is Two Amendments

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Over the years, one of my many daft fantasies has been to start a political party. While I like my Oz friend Damon Hemingway's idea for a name - The Party Party - I came up with The REAL Party a long time ago, and I'm sticking with it. "REAL" is an acronym for: • Rational • Ethical • Actual • Leadership I think anyone...
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June 1, 2022

Portico Darwin: Tippy Top?

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Let me be clear, until this past Memorial Day, I had never even seen the original. While I consider Tom Cruise one of America's biggest movie stars (and a fine actor, to boot), I am not a big action movie nor homoerotic guy, so I had made it to 58+ and had somehow missed the glory that is 1986's "Top Gun". But I recti...
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May 30, 2022

Portico Darwin: Another New Pair of Headphones (!)

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS If you pay careful attention to this blog, you know I have a penchant for high-quality headphones. In fact, there's a complete summary of everything I own (at least until just a couple of days ago) right here. There are some real winners on that list, and there's something for everyone, at all price points. My love of...
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May 26, 2022

Portico Darwin: A Parade in Wokistan . . .

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS I am really at a loss. I do not just want to move on from Uvalde. But I have offered my proposal for rational gun control before. You can read it here. But please: do not assume me moving to a different topic as any sign this issue is in my - or our country's - rear-view mirror. The fever obsession with the Second Ame...
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May 25, 2022

Portico Darwin: Yawn

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS Ho hum. Another mass shooting, and this time, 19 school children and 2 teachers were murdered in cold blood. First black shoppers in Buffalo, and now Hispanic kids in Uvalde, Texas. I lay this directly at the (surely hideous) feet of Donald Trump. It is his normalizing of cruelty and racism that has led us to yet anot...
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May 23, 2022

Portico Darwin: Chesa Chess Game

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS The blog is back. Everyone can now resume their normal lives. My time away brought me to a number of locales, including Chicago, Tupper Lake, and my glorious hometown of Albany. Huge thanks to Steven Simon and his rock star wife, the gorgeous Stacey Moen Simon, for our two nights in Chicago at their Diamond Certified ...
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May 11, 2022

Portico Darwin: Very Remote

TODAY'S RAMBLINGS In a development sure to be welcomed by many, I am taking a short break from publishing this blog. I will be back, tan, rested and ready, on Monday, May 23. While I'm on hiatus, I hope you'll take the time to consider the future of work. (Oh, the irony!) Or more precisely, where knowledge workers, creatives, etc. will...
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